This is... Daddy's and Mommy's baby. It's also the one he made up his mind to protect. His heart suddenly seems to have a strange feeling. From now on, he will protect his brother with his own life!

Jun Jingshu entered the delivery room and accompanied Zhou Yici.

"It's a boy," Zhou Yici said.

"HMM." Jun Jingshu smiled, lowered his head and kissed his wife's sweaty forehead, "I'm glad you've worked hard."

"Compared with the suffering that the child may suffer in the future, what is my present suffering." Zhou Yici said that giving birth to a baby should be a happy thing, but her heart will ache again at the thought that the child may bear the blood curse of the king's family in the future.

Obviously, before deciding to give birth, she had prepared for the worst, but now it still hurts.

"This child must be a strong child. Even if it is a bad fate, he will face it bravely." Jun Jing forgives, "since you gave him life, he will have unlimited possibilities."

"By the way, where's Xiaomian?" Zhou Yici thought that the little guy had always insisted on coming to the hospital with him.

"He and the baby went to the ward to wait for you. Your parents and your brother also came. If the doctor didn't say that only one person was allowed to come in to see you, they would all squeeze in to avoid affecting you." Jun Jing forgives.

When Zhou Yici returned to the ward, he was surrounded by his parents, brother and mother-in-law. Zhou Yici looked at the wrapped baby lying beside him. The original feeling of worry and heartache was shrouded in a sense of happiness.

It's like looking at this little guy and all his troubles will disappear.

"Xiaomian." Zhou Yici looked at his eldest son. At the moment, the little guy was standing next to Jun Jingshu and looked at her with a worried face, "what's the matter, isn't Xiaomian happy?"

"Mommy, do you... Hurt?" the little guy murmured. He seemed to want to get close to Zhou Yici, but he was afraid that his close touch would hurt her.

Zhou Yici smiled. "Mommy doesn't hurt now, but it will take a few more hours to get up." as she said, she waved and let the other party lean closer. "Does Xiaomian like her brother?"

The little guy's eyes behind the lens looked at the baby with his eyes closed, then nodded, a little shy and said, "I like it."

"Well, can Xiaomian take the name of her brother?" Zhou Yici said. This is also the consensus she reached with her family before giving birth. She hopes that the little guy will take the name of the new baby to make the two brothers more intimate.

Jun Heng Mian was stunned. He... Can he name his brother? He looked helpless, as if he were stunned.

"What's the matter? Xiaomian said he liked his brother? Then help him think of a favorite name for his brother." Zhou Yici said.

Jun Jingshu also said, "the word behind Jun Heng is from Xiaomian. This is your brother. You have this responsibility."

As soon as he heard the word "responsibility", the little guy immediately got cold and serious, stared at the little baby, "well... Can my brother wake up? Wake up, Jun Heng." the little guy sipped.

"Wake up?" Zhou Yici read the word, and then smiled as if he suddenly realized it. "Well, let's call Jun Heng wake up, little wake up." "sleep" and "wake up" are also symmetrical.

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