"Only in this way can daddy be sure what happened to Xiaoxing." Jun Jing forgives.

When Jun Heng woke up, he was reluctant to let his brother go. After all, the pain was much more painful than his usual wrestling, fighting or being beaten by his father.

But Jun Jingshu ignored his second son and said to Jun Hengmian, "Xiaomian, let go!"

"But..." Jun Hengmian hesitated. Jun Jingshu had already opened their hands with one hand while one of them was not paying attention.

The next moment, Jun Heng woke up and suddenly howled in pain. His whole body was curled up. His face was pale and red for a while. Then, his body was constantly twisted. His two small hands were fluttering desperately towards Jun Heng's sleep and wanted to grasp each other's hands.

"Daddy, Xiaoxing can't stand it!" said Jun Hengmian. He took the initiative to hold Jun Hengxing's hand. The next moment, Jun Hengxing stopped struggling, the twisting of his body stopped, and his breathing and complexion gradually returned to normal.

Jun Jingshu completely loosened Jun Heng's consciousness and let their two children hold their hands tightly together.

"It seems to be a little awakening." Jun Jing forgives.

Zhou Yici naturally understood this sentence completely. The person who inherits the blood curse of the king's family is Xiaoxing, but what no one thought is that Xiaomian should be Xiaoxing's life. Only life can stop the pain so quickly.

"Xiaomian, are you willing to guard Xiaoxing?" Jun Jingshu asked solemnly.

"Yes." Jun Hengmian replied without hesitation. For him, this was what he decided to do.

"Then from now on, every full moon night, you should hold Xiaoxing's hand like this." Jun Jing forgives.

"Like daddy and Mommy?" Jun Hengmian's eyes fell on the hand of Zhou Yici and Jun Jingshu.

"Yes, just like daddy and Mommy." Jun Jing forgives, "if you loosen it, it will hurt when you wake up."

"I won't let go!" Jun Hengmian said immediately, "I will hold Xiaoxing's hand." as he said, his five fingers couldn't help holding the other little hand more tightly.

Zhou Yici looked at the sons in front of him with a complicated look. Although they were not related by blood, from now on, they will become dependent on each other.

And what will happen to their future?

This is an answer that no one knows.

While Jun Heng woke up, he was still confused. He didn't know what the pain meant to him.

"I will guard my brother in the future!" Jun Heng woke up and said loudly, but his childish voice was so firm.

"Xiaomian should always hold Xiaoxing's hand tonight and can't release it until tomorrow morning." Jun Jingshu reminded.

Jun Heng nodded when he woke up as if he had found the new world. "Then I can sleep with my brother today, ah!"

Although the little guy has his own independent room, he still likes to nest in Jun Heng's room. Now he has a aboveboard reason.

Zhou Yici smiled briefly, then touched Jun Heng's awake cerebellar bag and said, "brother is the person you have to guard all your life. You should never forget this, you know?"

The little guy's head nodded.

Zhou Yici's eyes fell on the eldest son again. The child who had no blood relationship with her, the child who was careful in the jun family, had the deepest fetters with the jun family.

Xiaomian... Her greatest luck is that she can meet this child.

After putting the two children to sleep, Zhou Yici said with emotion, "I didn't expect that Xiaomian would be Xiaoxing's life."

"So you don't have to worry about the blood curse in the future." Jun Jing forgives.

"But... Xiaomian and Xiaoxing, they..." Zhou Yici tried to stop talking. After all, life depends on you. They are the people who depend on you and your family. In the future, their two children

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings." JunJing forgives. "When they are older, I will tell them about life and blood curse. As for how to decide, it is their own business. Also, that is their life, and we also have our life."

Zhou Yici looked up and quietly stared at the man she loved. "Jingshu, you are the one I have to depend on for my life."

"You too. I want to live with you in this life and the next life!" Jun Jing apologized, lowered his head and kissed her lips, while each other's hands held each other tightly.

That's a hand that I will never let go of in my life!

————The article is finally finished. Thank you for accompanying me for so long. This article has accompanied me through pregnancy and late pregnancy. I feel it is really meaningful! The new article has been published, "Lord Jun has been routine again" was launched in QQ reading and yunqi Academy. Brief introduction: "young master Jun said that your voice is very similar to his mommy, so I hope you can be his temporary Mommy. Read him a good night story before he goes to bed every night. You need to play with him on holidays. You can hug him and kiss him occasionally." The little boy stared at her with a pair of beautiful Phoenix eyes and accompanied the Secretary to translate.

Born again, but entangled by a small ball.

She killed slag man and evil sister. She became popular in the dubbing circle, but she was stained with a rotten peach blossom.

It is said that you are sick and cold. I'm afraid only his heart is not hot in this world,

He said, "Ye Ning, I will never fall in love with you."

Her heart was like death, "don't you want my blood? Well, I'll give it to you." but she shed all her blood, but she couldn't warm his heart.

A year later, she heard that he was almost crazy for her. When she stood in front of him again, he held her tightly and said, "Ye Ning, I give you my life and my blood. Don't leave me! I was wrong. From the beginning, the person I fell in love with was you."

She smiled faintly, "Mr. Jun, your life and blood are useless to me."

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