The female doctor was surprised and felt a sudden cold all over her body.

Qin Sitong came to the place of blood test. Before the nurse drew blood, she couldn't help saying, "Comrade nurse, please take it easy."

"Don't worry, it won't hurt much. We are all experienced." the nurse said.

However, after drawing blood, Qin Sixi still showed his teeth and remembered her unused pregnancy test stick again. How good it is to use a pregnancy test stick, painless and pressure-free.

"The pain of pumping blood is worth wrinkling your face like this?" Jun Jisheng glanced at the little face, which was almost wrinkled into a ball. For a moment, it was difficult to understand. In his opinion, the nurse's technique was good, but in this way, her expression seemed to be that she was tortured rather than pumping the blood of the two tubes.

"It's not that you were drawn blood. Of course you don't hurt." Qin Sitong replied.

He pulled her arm and looked at the place where she had been stabbed. There was only a very small hole, which showed that she had been stabbed by a needle just now.

When his finger touched the needle hole, she couldn't help shouting, "Hey, be gentle, it still hurts." she was afraid of pain. She could avoid injections at ordinary times.

"It's painful. It's really promising." he said. What's her pain compared with his pain at the full moon? "Do you know how painful the real pain should be?"


"There is a kind of pain, like millions of needles stabbing in your body, or like a sharp blade, cutting your meat piece by piece, burning your blood, whipping your nerves, and every inch of your body is in pain. This pain goes deep into the blood and soaked into the bone marrow."

She was thrilled by what he said, "don't be so scary. If there was such pain, that person would have died of pain sooner."

Jun Jisheng smiled softly, but there was an endless irony. "No, even if you can survive such pain, how many times can you bear it? How long can you endure it?" even though there are many amazing people in your family over the ages, if you can't find life, you can only spend your will again and again in such pain, Until you choose to commit suicide.

In Jun's family, no one who can't find life is over 45 years old.

I thought I couldn't escape such a fate, but I didn't expect to meet her when I came to J city this time - his life!

"Will you let me live?" he asked low. His right hand gently lifted a trace of hair on her cheek and rubbed her finger belly gently.

Qin Si Tong was stunned. "I... I don't understand what you mean." what do you mean? Will she let him live? He is the one who can really control people's life and death!

"You don't need to understand, just answer, will you let me live?" he asked again, staring at her with his eyes.

She felt her mouth dry and her whole mind seemed to be taken away by the Dark Phoenix eyes.

"I..." she couldn't help licking her lips. "If I had the ability, I would certainly let you live."

He smiled low and gently pulled the strand of her hair in his hand behind her ear, "Qin Sitong, don't forget what you said today. If one day you can't do it, then I will make you doomed."

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