Han zixie just opened Yao Yiyuan's hand and said in a cold voice, "I have believed you for 10 years." now, he won't simply believe her.

Today he came here and said these words just to see how she reacted. Now, her reaction has confirmed the facts he wants to know.

After Han zixie left the apartment, Yao Yiyuan suddenly sat down on the ground, and the expression on her face had turned into a panic.

How could this happen! At that time, she thought she had done everything perfectly and could successfully hide it from zixie. In fact, she had kept it from zixie for 10 years. Sometimes, she even mistakenly thought that she was really accompanying zixie in those two months.

But Qin Sitong appeared, and everything was in chaos because of Qin Sitong's appearance.

Qin Sitong... Why did he appear! And now what should she do?!


The morning sun came in through the window. Qin Sitong opened his eyes and saw Jun Jisheng lifting the quilt and getting up.

"It's bothering you?" his voice whispered.

Qin Sitong shook his head and sat up, trying to take the clothes he had put aside. As a result, he raised his arm, but found that his arm was very sour.

Last night, she finally left him in her room. Of course, she had to exercise again. Last night, his desire was so great that he asked her several times, otherwise her body would not be so sour.

"I'll come." Jun Jisheng has helped Qin Sitong take the clothes and put them on her one by one.

Qin Si Tong's face reddened slightly. Suddenly, Jun Jisheng's action stopped. Qin Sitong looked down Jun Jisheng's eyes and found that he was looking at the bruise she bumped yesterday because of the attack of that crazy fan.

"It's just a little scratch. You'll recover in two days. You've seen it yesterday." when he was in bed yesterday, he turned her body over. I'm afraid he knows more about her injuries than she does.

"I won't let go of those who hurt you easily." he said, with a cold look in his eyes.

She thought and said, "in fact, the self-defense skills you taught me at the beginning are very useful. If it weren't for those moves, I'm afraid that the crazy fan would really succeed, and I might be more than some bruises."

"I'll send someone to protect you these days, and today you're going to the hospital for review. I'll go with you later," he said.

"Hey, don't you have to go to work?" she was stunned.

"There's nothing important today," he said. "Besides, you're my most important person. Of course I'll accompany you."

Qin Si Tong's face could not help getting redder, but he felt warm in his heart.

When he helped her dress, her eyes fell on one side of his cheek. Although he could hardly see anything different on his cheek all night, she still clearly remembered the burning touch in the palm of her hand last night.

"Does it still hurt?" her fingers stroked his cheek gently, and Bei's teeth asked, biting the lip flap.

He raised his hand and grabbed her finger. "It doesn't hurt anymore. I shouldn't have forced you like that."

"I just wanted to push you away and explain clearly. I didn't want to hit you, but my hand... Accidentally waved it." she explained. Then she looked at his cheek. Suddenly her head leaned over and her lips kissed the place where his cheek was hit yesterday.

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