"If you want to eat fish in the future, I'll make it for you." she said, looking worried.

He looked at her and smiled, "don't worry, it's all in the past, and now I won't complain about myself." because he had met her, God didn't really abandon him. After giving him despair, he also gave him hope.

Qin Sitong was relieved. Jun Jisheng washed the fish and then washed his hands. Looking at her who was still busy, a soft light flashed in his eyes.

In the future, everything will be different. He is no longer the child who was abused in the past. He is helpless and doesn't know when he can exchange his mother's meaningless look back; It is no longer the teenager who doesn't know the meaning of living. He thinks it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies. Living is just a hopeless wait. Now he has the desire to live and the people he wants to really have. Is this the real meaning given to his family by destiny?

"Si Tong." his hands gently wrapped around her waist, leaned down, put his lips close to her ears, gently called her name, and the tip of his nose smelled her breath, fragrant and intoxicating.

It also fascinates her.

"Hmm?" she asked in a nasal voice as she stirred the soup in the pot with her spoon.

"Shall we get married?" his voice came in a low voice, with a touch of seductive charm.


The spoon in her hand fell into the pot and the whole person was stunned.

What did she hear? Is he proposing to her? Or did she hear it wrong? Everything gives people such an unreal feeling. Qin Si Tong was stunned. She didn't turn off the fire until the cooking in the pot was about to rise. Then she looked at Jun Jisheng and asked, "what did you just... What did that say?"

His lips overflowed with a shallow smile, "I said, do you want us to get married?"

Qin Sitong widened her eyes. It was not that she had heard wrong, but that he was - "are you... Proposing?" she was in a trance and couldn't react.

"It's a proposal," he nodded.

Well, he really proposed to her! She continued to stare at him. They fell in love and lived together for some time. It seemed that it was quite natural to get married.

But... To marry Jun Jisheng, to marry this man who holds great power in China, even half a year ago, this man was just an unattainable person who could only be seen on the screen.

Qin Si Tong stared at Jun Jisheng blankly, and all kinds of between them flashed in his mind.

"Don't you want to?" her daze made him frown slightly. Then he seemed to think of something. "By the way, you don't think it's serious enough, do you?"

He suddenly became short and knelt on one knee in front of her.

She was shocked, and her apricot eyes suddenly opened wider.

He looked up at her and looked up at her. "I, Jun Jisheng, solemnly proposed to Miss Qin Sitong. In this life, I only love you. I will protect your life with my life and never give up!"

She was stunned, and a stream of heat poured into her eyes along her chest.

This man is willing to love her with his life. What else can she ask for? It's worth finding such a person in one's life.

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