Han zixie was drooping his eyes and calm, as if he didn't care about his eyes at all, "if you're really blind, you'll be blind."

He can't recognize the most important person. What's the point even if he can see it with his eyes?

Gao sighed and said, "what's the need for you? I don't know what's going on between you, Qin Sitong and Yao Yiyuan, but it's not necessary to have trouble with your body. Do you really want to return to the dark world before?"

Han zixie was silent. The whole person was like a wooden man, motionless, as if the soul was not in the body.

Just when Gao Wang thought that the other party would not answer his own words, Han zixie's voice suddenly sounded faintly, "When my eyes could see, I wanted to see someone most. So I found someone after I had a firm foothold in the Han family, but the other party had already left the original village. I kept asking for clues and finally found the person... However, this was just what I thought I had found. After 10 years, I thought I had found the person, but it was ridiculous Yes, I've been cheated for ten years. The person I'm looking for is not Yao Yiyuan at all. "

"So, the person you're looking for is Qin Sitong? Yao Yiyuan lied to you and made you think she was the person you're looking for?" Gao Wang said. It's not difficult to draw this conclusion in connection with what Zi analyzed when he was drunk that night.

"I'm stupid, aren't I?" Han Zixi murmured. "Over the years, I've finally controlled the Han family step by step in my own hands. I think I can see everything clearly, but I didn't expect that I've been fooled around all the time."

"Since you find that you recognize the wrong person, it's just to find Qin Sitong to make it clear." Gao Wang comforted.

But Han zixie's face showed a touch of misery, and a strong color of pain filled his eyes. "It's no use. I've made too many mistakes. I don't believe her again and again. Up to now, for her, I'm just a stranger."

Gao Wang didn't know how to comfort his friends.

Suddenly, Han zixie's mobile phone at the head of the bed rang, but Han zixie didn't mean to answer. Looking forward, he stepped forward and helped Han zixie answer the phone. "Mr. Han zixie is not very convenient to answer the phone now. What's the matter?"

Then, after listening to what the person at the other end of the phone said, he looked up and looked up at zixie, "the president of Chenxing called and said that Qin Sitong came to the company to go through the resignation procedures..."

Before Gao Wang's words were finished, the mobile phone had been snatched by Han Zixi. Gao Wang only saw Han Zixi yelling at the president of Chenxing at the other end of the mobile phone, "I'll come right now. Anyway, keep Qin Sitong first!"

Then Han zixie got out of bed. Gao Wang hurriedly stopped, "you're crazy. Your current body is not suitable for going out at all. Do you intend to go to Chenxing to stop Qin Sitong from resigning?"

Han zixie just looked at each other with a very cold look, "let go!"

It was just two words, but Gao Wang unconsciously released his hand. Zixie's eyes and the cold feeling emitted from him made him feel that if he didn't release his hand, he would not hesitate to do it directly to him, even in a very tragic way.

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