The between her and Chen Xing is over. And there will be no relationship between her and Han zixie from now on

Just... Why did she suddenly have a very unreal feeling? In my mind, I can still recall the tears in Han zixie's moment, although she only looked at it. The next moment, Jisheng had covered her eyes with his hands.

However, at such a glance, if you are not shocked, it is false, but in addition, it is more a complex feeling.

As a woman, she can feel more or less that Han Zixi seems to have some other feelings for her, in addition to the friendship of living and dying together when she was a child.

The more so, the more she wants to get rid of the relationship with Han zixie, which is good for each other. Now she has a quiet life, and brother Zhang Ming, who was deeply worried about her when she was a child, is buried in her memory. In the future, we can only remember those good memories and forget those bad memories.

Qin Sitong put the file bag in the drawer and went back to Jun Jisheng's bedroom. These days, she sleeps in his bedroom with him at night.

At the moment, he is leaning on the sofa and lazily watching the news. Naturally, most of the news he watches are current political and financial news.

Qin Sitong looked at Jun Jisheng. At the moment, he was like a temporarily resting beast. Although he was lazy, he was full of danger. But when he turned his eyes to her, those Phoenix eyes were full of tenderness, and the dangerous smell on him seemed to disappear in a moment.

"Come on." he raised his hand and waved to her.

She came to him. He took her in his arms and sat her on his lap. "You've resigned from Chenxing now. When are you going to work in the new unit?"

"In a few days, I want to adjust first and then go to work." after all, there are many things during this period, and her whole person has always been in a tight state, so now, she wants to calm down, prepare and start again.

"How about going to Luocheng with me these days? It's like taking a holiday for yourself. In addition, it's also to prepare for our marriage." Jun Jisheng said.

Qin Si Tong looked surprised, "go to the city?"

"Why, don't you like it?" he said.

She quickly shook her head. She also had a lot of curiosity about the city where he grew up. Luocheng is a city with great autonomy. Because of its port, it has developed commerce and trade. Economically, it is the leader in China, but at the same time, it is also known as the city of sin and evil. In Luocheng, there are many gangs gathered. Various relationships are intertwined and very complex.

"I want to go and have a look." Qin Si Tong said, and then hesitated, "but the marriage... Is it going to be done in Luocheng?"

"You can also do it here in J city. It's up to you. It depends on where you want to do it. It's just the gentleman's house on the other side of the city. I hope you can go and have a look. After all, you'll be the mistress of the gentleman's house in the future. Besides, I'm afraid if I stay here in J City for a year or two, I may fall back to the city again." Jun Jisheng said.

Qin Si Tong blinked and remembered that Jun Jisheng came to J city only because of the needs of his career.

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