When his father was dying, he remembered two things. One was to bury his mother's ashes and his ashes in the cemetery, and the other was to put his memorial tablet next to his mother's memorial tablet.

Until his death, his father still loved the woman who never loved him, but he never asked his mother if she would.

Perhaps, this is the love of your family, deep to the city, absolute possessiveness, but also full of a sense of suffocation.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Si Tong said aloud.

Jun Jisheng came back to himself, "don't you have anything else to ask me?" there was an imperceptible tension in his voice.

Now he didn't want her to know about the so-called blood curse and life, but he didn't know how much she saw in the ancestral hall.

Qin Si Tong shook his head. "It's nothing. In the ancestral hall, except the memorial tablets, they are the things put in the glass display cabinet. Those things should be the relics of your ancestors. It feels like a souvenir for future generations."

Just those souvenirs, but let her feel a desolate beauty.

So... Doesn't she know anything now? Jun Jisheng held Qin Sicong's hand more tightly, "don't go in this ancestral temple in the future. In the future... I'll take you in myself." he said, and at that time, she will know everything.

"Oh." she answered and followed him to the direction of the king's house. Just when she left, Qin Sitong couldn't help looking at the ancestral hall. Will she and Jisheng's memorial tablet be in the ancestral hall a hundred years later... And then continue to stay together

But why did this ancestral temple still make her mind inexplicably filled with a touch of sadness, as if there were too much sadness in this ancestral temple.


At night, Qin Sitong was thirsty. When he went out of the bedroom to pour water, he saw Kang Bo standing in front of a portrait in the corridor in a daze. Qin Sitong had heard from Jun Jisheng that this portrait was a portrait of Jisheng's grandfather in his middle age.

The man in the portrait, dressed in the military uniform of that era, is heroic and charming, but also has a kind of military evil spirit. At the moment, Kang Bo was absorbed in looking at the portrait. Qin Sitong didn't want to disturb him, but she accidentally disturbed Kang Bo when she passed by him.

"It's Si Tong," Kang Bo said with a smile.

"Well, I'm a little thirsty, so I want to pour a glass of water." Qin Sitong said.

"Come on, I'll pour water with you." Kang Bo said. He really came to the living room with Qin Sitong. Kang Bo poured a cup of warm water to Qin Sitong, who took it quickly.

"Come and talk to my old man," said comber with a smile.

"OK." Qin Si Tong replied, "what do you want to talk about, KangBo?"

"You have been to the ancestral hall of your family today," said Kang Bo.

"Ah?" Qin Si Tong was surprised, "you know."

"Jisheng told me." Kang Bo said. Originally, there were many security measures around your house. It's not so easy for ordinary people to enter the ancestral hall. All the servants of the jun family have been warned not to approach the ancestral hall. No one wants to live with their own lives. and

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