As like as two peas, Han Limin's badge is not true, but it is someone who has made a look of the same badge. Yao Yiyuan didn't intend to return the real piece to Qin Sitong so easily. Han Limin's words reminded her. Han Limin said that the badge looked a little familiar. Does the pattern on the badge have any meaning? Is this really just a simple badge? Yao Yiyuan studied again.

Of course, the first task now is to ask Qin Sitong to take down this badge.

It's just that Yao Yiyuan at the moment doesn't even realize that she is also a chess piece of others. Not far away, Han Limin played with a remote control in his hand. Yao Yiyuan didn't know at all. She installed a special bomb in the box with the badge for Qin Sitong. As long as she pressed the switch to detonate, the explosion would be powerful enough to kill people.

As for the police's subsequent inspection, they will only think that Yao Yiyuan installed the explosive. After all - at that time, there was no proof of death.

But now, there is still one person missing. He has to wait for another person to appear before he can press the switch button of the bomb.

Han Limin secretly calculated in his heart how much time it would take before Han zixie came here. Just now, he specially called Han zixie and said that he saw Yao Yiyuan meet in Qin Sitong. I'm afraid it would be bad for Qin Sitong. He also sent the photos to Han zixie.

His real purpose is his brother, Han zixie. In the Han family, as long as Han zixie is still alive, he will not be in the limelight. His father will always only care about his brother, and his existence is just a stain for his father.

Only when Han zixie is gone, the Han family will really belong to him!

As for Yao Yiyuan, even if such a woman has played, Qin Sitong will die when the bomb explodes, which can be regarded as fulfilling Yao Yiyuan's wish.

Han Limin can't wait to see han zi come.

Finally, he saw Han zixie's car coming quickly. Then, a figure had rushed out of the car and ran towards the coffee shop.

Qin Sitong was gazing at the badge in her hand, and the scenes she had been with her father flashed in her mind. Her father looked at the badge in a trance, and her father solemnly handed it to her. Her father said that the badge would be well preserved for a lifetime. His father said that maybe one day the badge would bring her luck

Qin Sitong's lips unconsciously showed a smile, but his eyes were covered with a layer of fog. If only my father were alive now.

Then the Xu family will not be like this, and her father can see her happiness now.

Yao Yiyuan was quiet and didn't bother. She just wanted Qin Sitong to touch the badge more now. The poisoning was even worse.

Suddenly, Yao Yiyuan caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of her eyes, and the whole person was surprised.

"Zixie... You... How did you come?" Yao Yiyuan exclaimed.

At the next moment, Han zixie ran to Qin Sixi Tong, clasped Qin Sixi Tong's shoulder with both hands, and pulled her up from the chair, "Sixi Tong, what's the matter with you?"

His tone was extremely anxious, and his eyes were full of worry.

Qin Si Tong shook his head, "I'm fine. How do you..."

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