Yu Zimu has reported all the information about the explosion. When he arrived at the police station, Jun Jisheng said very simply, "I have also looked for experts at the scene. At present, there are no other explosives found at the scene. At the same time, I want to know how much information the police have about this case."

Originally, Jun Jisheng was not from the police and was not qualified to participate in this matter. However, the leader said hello and said that Jun Jisheng would help solve the case, and some private forces from Jun's family would also invest in solving the case. Therefore, the police explained the investigation results one by one and presented some things found at the scene to Jun Jisheng.

One of them is Qin Sitong's mobile phone, but now the mobile phone is broken and twisted badly.

Jun Jisheng looked and said, "did you find a badge at the scene?"

"No, all the things that can be collected at the scene are here, but afterwards, according to the testimony of witnesses, the explosive should be a box containing a badge. The bomb may be installed in the box or in the badge. Now I'm afraid it's hard to find anything even if you want to find it."

Jun Jisheng's eyes are slightly restrained. If you say so, has the badge that Sitong never forgets completely disappeared?

"What did Yao Yiyuan explain?" Jun Jisheng asked. According to the information from the police station just now, Yao Yiyuan woke up not long after the operation. Although the explosion exploded not far from Yao Yiyuan, she was lucky that she was not seriously injured, but the position of the wound was not ideal, mostly on her face. I'm afraid there will be many scars on her face. There's no need to think about coming back in the future.

"Yao Yiyuan is in a very unstable mood and doesn't cooperate with the police, but our police will strengthen the investigation at that time," the other party said.

Jun Jisheng pursed his lips and said nothing. If the stack of police investigation materials in front of the Phoenix eyes were really a bomb that could be installed in a small box or badge, it was definitely not someone like Yao Yiyuan who could get it.

I'm afraid there is someone behind Yao Yiyuan, and Yao Yiyuan may only be a chess piece in the hands of others.

However, even if it was just a chess piece, he would not let go.

As for the person who manipulates all this behind his back, he absolutely wants the other party to repay a hundred times a thousand times!


Han Limin now hides in his villa and repeatedly watches the video news on TV. Today's explosion has caused a sensation in the whole city. The city attaches great importance to it and needs to find out.

And up to now, there has been no death toll in the explosion, and only a small number of people have been seriously injured.

Damn it, why don't Han zixie and Yao Yiyuan die?! Han Limin was looking forward to their death. As long as they die, it won't find him.

No, even if Yao Yiyuan dies, he can get rid of it. But the hateful thing is that Yao Yiyuan never died.

If it is found out that this matter is related to him, then he will be ruined and imprisoned for the rest of his life, and the Han family will never protect him.

Suddenly, the door of the room was pushed open. Han Limin was shocked, but he saw his mother Wang Liangrong coming in. At the moment, Wang Liangrong looked happy, "Limin, it's great news. I've inquired about it. Han zixie is lying in the hospital now. Although his life is saved, his eyes are dangerous. If he doesn't do well, he will lose his sight again. If his eyes are not good, will the Han family really let a blind man be the heir? The gang on the board of directors won't agree. Won't they Do you still have to take the position of heir? "

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