"It doesn't matter." Jun Jisheng said, "not to mention this time, Han Zixi saved you. In love and reason, I have to say thank you."

He wiped her body and helped her put on her pajamas again. He was very careful and gentle in the whole process. When he got back to bed, he hugged her and said to her, "well, sleep a little longer. I'll accompany you. Even if you have any more nightmares, I'll be there."

"HMM." she closed her eyes and put her hands on his chest. His breath enveloped her and made her feel safe.

And he looked at her sleeping face with deep eyes.

On the one hand, he was glad that Han zixie had saved her. Otherwise, she was afraid that she would not lie in his arms, but in the intensive care unit. On the other hand, he was worried that she would feel guilty for Han zixie. From then on, he would take Han zixie to heart for fear that there would be another incident in the future.

"Si Tong, am I worrying too much?" he murmured to her, "obviously you love me so much. What else can I worry about?"

But why did his heart beat so hastily.


In the intensive care room of the hospital, Han's parents insisted on staying in the ward and watching their son wake up. Suddenly, a low, hoarse, almost missed groan overflowed from the population on the hospital bed.

They were inspired by each other and hurriedly gathered together. The nurse in charge of nursing also found the patient's situation and hurried to call the doctor.

Han's mother was close to her son's lips before she finally heard what her son shouted - "Si Tong... Si Tong..."

Hearing the speech, Han's mother couldn't help crying. At this time, is this silly child still thinking of Qin Sitong? Was the two months with Qin Sitong in Dagu village really so important?

"Don't worry, Qin Sitong. She's fine. She's safe and good." Han's mother choked.

Han zixie's groan gradually stopped. The doctor soon came over, gave Han zixie some preliminary examinations, and then said, "he wakes up now. However, people still need it very much. It's best to eat in another two hours. You can drink some water appropriately, but you can't know the specific situation until you finish the detailed examination."

"Doctor..." Han zixie's consciousness began to wake up gradually at this time. "What's the matter with my eyes?" it was dark in front of him. This feeling was so familiar that he could feel that gauze was wrapped around his eyes. Now he seems to have returned to the beginning and can't see anything.

"The explosion hurt your eyes, and the degree of injury needs to be checked out. But for the time being, I'm afraid you can't use your eyes at this time," the doctor said.

Han's father and mother looked nervously at his son's reaction, but Han zixie just looked the same, as if the injured part was just an insignificant position, "then I know."

After the doctor left, Han Fu hurriedly said, "zixie, don't worry. Now you just enter this hospital temporarily because of the explosion. In two days, when you recover, we will transfer you to another hospital. Then I will find the best experts at home and abroad. Dad will find a way to recover your eyes."

But Han zixie didn't seem to care about his eyes at all. He just asked, "where's Qin Sitong? Is she really all right? Isn't she hurt?"

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