The car stopped at a shopping mall in the center of J city. Qin Sitong looked at Jun Jisheng suspiciously. Jun Jisheng said, "your mobile phone has been destroyed in the explosion. You need to buy another mobile phone. In addition, you have to go to the business hall to handle a mobile phone number card again later."

Qin Sitong suddenly thought of this. At the same time, she also thought that one day, she didn't go to the studio, but she hasn't asked for leave.

So Qin Si Tong said, "lend me your mobile phone. I want to call the studio and ask for a leave."

"OK." Jun Jisheng handed his mobile phone to Qin Sitong and said, "in fact, Kong Chengcheng should have told the person in charge of your studio about you."

Sure enough, after the phone was connected, Qin Sitong said about asking for leave. Kong Chengcheng said that he had helped. Brother Kuan, the person in charge, originally wanted to organize everyone to visit Qin Sitong. Fortunately, Kong Chengcheng stopped and said that Qin Sitong needed to rest, so no one came to visit.

"How was your hospital examination today?" asked Kong Chengcheng.

"OK, no problem." Qin Si Tong said.

"That's good." Kong Chengcheng was completely relieved. "You have a good rest, but then again, is your new number? It's not your previous number?"

"My mobile phone was destroyed in the explosion. I have to go to the business hall to handle it again. Now I'm using Jisheng's mobile phone." Qin Sitong said.

Then, Kong Chengcheng's surprised voice came from his mobile phone, "that is to say, this number is Jun Jisheng's private mobile phone number?"

"Er... You can say so." Qin Sitong said.

In the mobile phone, there was another broken idea from Kong Chengcheng, nothing more than to keep the mobile phone number well, which made Qin Sitong a little funny.

Finally, Kong Chengcheng told Qin Sitong to have a good rest, which ended the call.

Qin Sitong gives Kong Chengcheng his mobile phone, then follows Jun Ji out of the car and walks into the mall together.

At the mobile phone counter of the mall, there are many kinds of mobile phones. Jun Jisheng asked, "which one do you like?"

"In fact, just buy one." Qin Sitong said. Besides, she doesn't have much mind to choose a mobile phone at present.

"Let me help you choose one." Jun Jisheng asked the counter staff to take out several mobile phones to look at it, and the counter staff also introduced it nearby. When Jun Jisheng picked up one of the mobile phones, the counter staff said, "This is the latest mobile phone with very powerful functions. The most special thing is its positioning ability, which is much higher than the accuracy of ordinary mobile phones. It is an independent system, and the mobile phone also has memory positioning function, such as your previous route, which can be seen at a glance. It is also a couple's mobile phone. As long as you enter the mobile phone code of each other's mobile phone on the mobile phones of both parties, it will work Automatically bind to become a couple machine, so that you can clearly know where the other half is. This function can still be used even if the mobile phone is turned off and has no power. Therefore, this function is also very suitable for outdoor travel. If you are separated, you can find each other in time... "

The staff at the counter kept on introducing the functions of the mobile phone. Jun Jisheng listened patiently. After that, he showed the mobile phone to Qin Sitong, "do you like this one?"

"Very good." Qin Sitong had no objection.

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