"Of course you took it. What else can you do?" he said naturally. "As for how much it costs, it's not a big amount."

"..." it's not a large number. She estimates it will be tens of millions just because of the suit she's wearing now. If you add up all the jewelry photographed today, it's only hundreds of millions.

"Why, you don't like it?" he said.

She took a long breath, shook her head and said, "I like it very much, but... These jewels are too expensive and I don't wear them very much. I feel very wasteful."

"Just like it. For me, there is no waste of what I give you," he said, taking out a small jewelry box from his body.

Qin Sitong recognized at a glance that this was the jewelry box containing the ruby ring and her wedding ring.

"I asked someone to bring this ring from Luocheng. Since it is our wedding ring in the future, you should wear it first when taking wedding photos."

"Yes." Qin Si Tong replied.

Jun Jisheng picked up the ring. Qin Sitong actively stretched out his left hand and watched him put the ring little by little into the ring finger of her right hand.

His expression was serious and serious. For a moment, Qin Sitong had an illusion, as if he was wearing a ring not because of the need to take photos, but at the wedding scene. He put the ring on her finger.

The red gem, like the color of blood, glitters brightly in the light.

Qin Sitong stared at the ring on his white finger, thinking of the past of the ring and the heavy love behind the ring.

Once, the perfect love that his parents can't realize, she will realize it with him! Qin Sitong said to himself silently in his heart.

In the morning, first take two sets of interior scenes. Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng pose according to the photographer's requirements. Qin Sitong is more or less uncomfortable, especially in front of the public, posing with Jun Jisheng as "ambiguous".

For example, when a photographer asks two people's faces to be close, like kissing, but they don't kiss, and their eyes look at each other.

As a result, after posing in such a posture, Qin Sitong directly blushed after looking at Jun Jisheng for a while. There was no way to shoot, so in the end, the photographer had to fold down and let Qin Sitong close his eyes. This was the successful shooting of that position.

However, although her eyes were closed, it also made her other senses more sensitive and could feel his breath more.

Even when she took this shot and opened her eyes, she touched her cheeks, which was very hot.

"What's the matter?" he asked, his lips close to her ear.

"Ah?" she was surprised and staggered back, but accidentally stepped on the wedding dress, and suddenly the whole person was about to fall back.

One of his hands grabbed her waist in time and saved her from falling to the ground.

"I scared you?" Jun Jisheng frowned slightly, straightened Qin Sitong, and helped her adjust the heavy wedding dress.

She shook her head, the crimson on her face faded because of the dangerous fall just now, "but it seems that the shoes slipped out a little, maybe the buckle of the shoes was loosened."

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