Now Han Limin is accused of murder by the police. His mother has begged the Han family several times, but each time, he directly asked his servants to stop her outside. He was even upset at the sight.

Now, zixie agreed to have an operation, which finally made Han Fu show some joy.

However, the probability of the operation is only 50%, but it still worries him that if the operation fails once, if you want to do the same operation again, it will take at least two years. Moreover, if you fail once and do it again two years later, the success rate will only be lower.

In the hospital, the experts convened by Han Fu are consulting Han zixie to determine various surgical plans. Han zixie sat on the chair in the conference room and listened quietly, but there was no joy or anger on his face. There was only peace.

"The 50% chance can't be improved?" Han's mother couldn't help asking.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Han. According to the current situation, 50% is already a high probability. Now in the world, such surgery can only increase the success rate to 70% unless Dr. jetton takes the lead."

"Then Dr. jetton..."

"We invited too, but Dr. jetton refused." the Dean regretted.

Han's mother was lost for a while, but han zi analyzed it and said faintly to her mother, "even if there is only 50% success rate, we should always try. This time, we can't do it, so we'll continue in two years."

Han Fu sighed, "it's so decided."

Just as the voice fell, suddenly at the door of the conference room, the voice of the security guard at the door sounded, "Hey, who are you? There is an important meeting in there, and outsiders are not allowed to enter..."

Then the door was pushed open, and the first person to enter the conference room was a tall figure.

Han's father and mother were stunned. They already recognized that the man was Jun Jisheng, and behind Jun Jisheng were some casual people, but among these casual people, there were several foreign faces.

The Dean suddenly widened his eyes, looked at one of the foreigners and exclaimed, "Dr. jetton, you... How did you come?!"

The dean's cry surprised Han's father and mother, and Han's mother seemed to understand what first, and the whole person was excited.

Jun Jisheng's eyes just fell on Han Zixi, who was still sitting in his chair, as if he were just an outsider outside all this chaos.

Jun Jisheng said, "this is Dr. jetton. I invited him in the hope that he could help Mr. Han zixie's condition." a simple sentence was used as the opening remarks.

Help, it's a great help! Han's father, Han's mother, and all the medical staff participating in the meeting thought unanimously.

Han's father and mother rushed forward and thanked the tunnel, "thank you, Mr. Jun, thank you very much! No matter whether Zixi's eyes can be restored this time, our Han family will not forget your help this time."

Jun Jisheng just smiled, "there's no need to say that. It was Mr. Han zixie who saved my fiancee first that got hurt. I should help with emotion and reason."

Jun Jisheng said that, then turned his head and said a few words to Dr. jetton in English. Dr. jetton nodded again and again.

This made the Dean not far away look with emotion. It is said that Dr. jayton is very difficult to contact. Although he is a doctor, he is definitely not a talkative person. Treating patients depends on happiness, anger and sorrow. He begged several times and failed to persuade the other party, but Mr. Jun can invite people. How many people in China have this ability!

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