In her heart, it seemed that there was an invisible pressure that began to disappear slowly, which made her happy and... Relieved.

It's nice that his eyes can see.

When the two of them look at each other, in the next room, Jun Jisheng's eyes are staring at the LCD screen. Han zixie can see it. This is what he expects. Only in this way can Sitong no longer owe Han zixie anything, and Sitong completely come out of this matter. At the same time, it also cuts off the fetters between them.

Han zixie's pause was only a short time. Then he took another step and came to the witness column.

Yao Yiyuan, who was originally silent, was suddenly excited when she saw Han zixie, "zixie, I really didn't put the bomb. I'm also a victim. You'll believe me, won't you! You'll save me, won't you! We've been together for ten years, and you won't let me ignore it, will you!"

But to her disappointment, Han zixie just looked up and stared at her coldly. That look made her cold all over, and made many of her remaining words seem to be stuck in her throat.

Han zixie told everything in court, from receiving photos and phone calls from Han Limin to feeling the coffee shop. After hearing that there seemed to be a strange sound in the box, he threw the box open, which reduced the harm.

When the defendant's lawyer asked why he could hear a different voice, Han zixie's explanation was also very simple, "because I couldn't see anything for 16 years, and naturally I would be particularly sensitive to the voice."

Han Zixi's confession, together with Qin Sitong's confession, has no loopholes.

The police also showed a series of evidence, pointing out that the mastermind of the case was Han Limin. Of course, Yao Yiyuan also played an important role in leading out the people, but Yao Yiyuan didn't expect to be in the explosion.

After finishing his testimony, Qin Sitong went to the seat and simply said hello to Kong Chengcheng and Yu Guheng.

Then Qin Si Tong whispered to Kong Chengcheng, "Why are you here?

"I don't want to see what the two people who hurt you are like now." Kong Chengcheng said. Unfortunately, the trial of this kind of case will be held several times, and the judgment will not be announced at one time. When the next court session will be held, she may not have time to come and see it. However, when she can see Yao Yiyuan's face today, she feels relieved. This is called the end of the harm.

Qin Si Tong lost his smile. Cheng Cheng is still so frank and lovely.

Kong Chengcheng said again, "but I was really shocked today. I didn't expect Han zixie's eyes to see it."

"Well, I'm a little surprised," Qin Sitong said, "but he can see that I've put down a worry."

At the first hearing, it was announced that the sentence would be given another day three hours after the hearing. However, according to the current situation, Han Limin, as the principal criminal, was likely to be sentenced to life imprisonment. However, Yao Yiyuan, it is difficult to say that referring to the legal provisions and previous cases, it is light and heavy. After all, at the time of the explosion, she may really have no knowledge.

When Qin Sitong walked out of the court, he saw Han zixie standing not far from her and looking at her.

Qin Si Tong smiled and took the lead in saying, "Congratulations, your eyes can see it again."

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