Wait, what kind of relationship does she have with him! Pooh, Pooh!

Kong Chengcheng secretly despised his idea just now.

"No?" Yu Guheng raised his eyebrows. His expression didn't seem to be full of goodwill.

"Yes, no," she shrugged, obviously in a desperate state.

"Why don't we discuss this problem at the dinner table later," said Yu Guheng.

Kong Chengcheng's molars, ya, this guy is posing a threat! But what's more annoying is that she was really threatened by him.

If you really want to talk about chocolate at the dinner table, it's definitely her who lost face.

"OK, it's chocolate. I'll buy it for you tomorrow." anyway, just buy him a piece of dove in the small shop in the community.

"You should carefully select the brand of chocolate. It can't be the ubiquitous brand in the supermarket. If I like the taste, you can't just find a chocolate to prevaricate me." he said, seeing through her original idea at a glance.

c'mon! Who knows what kind of chocolate he likes? She hasn't seen him eat chocolate at all!

"Yu Guheng, don't push your luck. What's wrong with dove? It's cheap, large and has many flavors. I'll buy you whatever you want." she said gnashing her teeth.

He showed an expression of enlightenment. "So you were going to buy me a dove."

"Well, no!" she said.

He smiled and said for example, "you see, your friend Si Tong gave Jisheng that's handmade chocolate. I asked you to buy ready-made goods directly. It's already waiting for you. Don't think about being lazy and saving trouble."

With that, he went back to the living room, leaving Kong Chengcheng alone on the balcony, sulking in the air.


Han Zixi took Qin Sitong back to Han Yuan, ordered the servant to change Qin Sitong into dry pajamas, personally blow dry her wet hair, and asked someone to call the doctor in Han Yuan.

During this time, because his eyes are still recovering, the hospital will specially send a doctor and several nurses to stay in Hanyuan temporarily to pay attention to his eyes.

After seeing Qin Sitong, the doctor confirmed that Qin Sitong was just in a coma. In addition, he was caught in the rain and had a low fever. There was no serious problem with the rest. After waking up, just drink more water.

Han zixie breathed a little relieved.

The doctor also warned, "Mr. Han, you seem to have been caught in some rain. You'd better take a hot bath quickly. Don't catch a cold and have a fever. You know, you are still recovering. If something happens to your body at this time, it will affect the recovery of your eyes."

"I know." han zi analyzed. Just now his mind was all worried about Si Tong, and he couldn't take care of his own. Until this time, he really took the time to tidy up himself.

After taking a bath and changing a suit of clothes, Han Zixi returned to the bed and looked at the people on the bed. Even in a coma, she still frowned, her pale face seemed so fragile, and even tears oozed from her closed eyes.

What the hell happened? Even in a coma, but still so uneasy, so painful.

Suddenly, in a coma, her hand suddenly raised, like trying to catch something, and kept grasping in the air. He took her hand, "Si Tong, it's okay, it's okay, no matter what happens to you, I'll help you."

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