Father's tombstone is in a cemetery.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, the last day of the holiday, Qin Sitong came to the cemetery to see his father. Or an adoptive father.

The picture on the tombstone is a middle-aged man in his 30s. He is a little fat, but he will give people a very friendly feeling.

Father is always smiling, will accompany her, and she said a lot of words, and she likes his father's smile very much.

But after the age of 11, I never saw my father's smile again.

"Dad." Qin Si Tong murmured, put a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone, then leaned forward, stroked the photos on the tombstone with his fingers, and gently wiped the dust on the photos. "I knew a few days ago that I didn't know that I was your own flesh and blood, but a child picked up by your heart."

The person in the photo still looks at her with a smile, just as she remembers.

"Thank you for raising me, giving me such a beautiful childhood and giving me a second life." if Dad hadn't picked her up, if Dad hadn't saved her from the water, she would have died, "so Dad, I won't despise my own life. I will cherish it and live well, because you gave me my life!"

Her eyes were moist, raised her hand and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Originally, I wanted to bring another person to see you today. I wanted to introduce him to you and tell you that you can rest assured, because there will be another person to accompany me all my life and love me all my life... But... Sorry, I can't bring him here."

She choked, there are too many words, want to say to her father, there are too many grievances, want to vent.

If her father is still alive, how good it would be. She can jump into her father's arms and cry hard. No matter how hard she lives, she won't feel lonely.

Because at any time, her father will be her backing and make her feel secure.

But no, no more.

Qin Sitong said a lot to his father's tombstone in front of the tomb... Until it was almost dark, he stood up, "Dad, I'm going to go. I'll see you again next time. Even if there is only one person, I can live, I must!"

After coming out of the cemetery, Qin Sitong went to a bank near the cemetery and directly returned the more than 80 million yuan given to him by Jun Jisheng during the Chinese new year, so that he could transfer the money again. He didn't need the password of the other party's bank card. He just needed to provide an account number.

Since she and Jun Jisheng can't go to the end, she doesn't want to take these things. Returning them is the best. From now on, she only depends on her own efforts to live.

After returning the money, Qin Sitong suddenly felt that the whole person was a lot easier. Taking the bus, she returned to the village in the city where she lived.

Farmers build their own houses here, and they are also used for rent. Therefore, among the people in and out, there are all third rate people. It is very complicated. No wonder Kong Chengcheng was worried before.

But when Qin Sitong came to the building where she lived, he suddenly stopped. Not far away, a tall figure was standing in front of the corridor door of her house.

Han zixie, how did he find here?!

At this moment, Han zixie obviously saw Qin Sitong and walked over quickly, "Sitong."

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