"So Heng, death is not terrible. What's terrible is that you can't control your life and death. I hope even death is controlled by yourself." said the cold voice.

Yu Guheng stifled and was trying to find another speech to persuade each other. Suddenly, Jun Jisheng's mobile phone rang.

Jun Jisheng picked up his mobile phone. After answering, his eyebrows suddenly frowned, because the other party's first sentence was, "are you Qin Sitong's family? I'm the police station."

Jun Jisheng slightly sipped his lips and said, "what happened to her?"

"Well, we received a report here. Someone found that she was hijacked by several men in a car, but the reason is unclear. Her mobile phone was left at the scene. We found your number in her mobile phone and wanted to ask if you could provide some clues..."

Before the policeman's voice fell, Jun Jisheng had snapped, "what do you say, she was hijacked?"


"What's your address here? I'll come here now! And what's the specific location of her accident!" Jun Jisheng quickly said.

Yu Guheng, on the other side, although he didn't hear what the police said, he could guess from Jun Jisheng's words.

"Is Qin Sitong hijacked?" Yu Guheng asked anxiously.

Jun Jisheng tightly pursed his thin lips and put away his mobile phone. He had hurried towards the parking lot.

Yu Guheng sighed and followed closely. Clearly still meaning, but just want to break up, this is why! He really doesn't want the future. Jisheng will realize his regret now.

Because of that taste, it's too bad.

On the other hand, after being hijacked into the car, Qin Sitong understood from the mouths of those people that the reason why she had this hijacking was all thanks to he Xiuxia.

He Xiuxia borrowed usury and couldn't pay it back. Facing the people who pressed for debt, she directly asked them to come to her and said, "if you want money, go to my daughter. She has money and can certainly pay you back. If you can't pay it back, you can let her pick up a customer until she can offset the debt."

It seems that he is afraid that Qin Sitong won't admit it. The other party also recorded he Xiuxia's sentence and played it to Qin Sitong.

"Well, listen, your mother said it herself! It's natural for us to pay the mother's debt according to your mother's words. If you don't want to suffer, you'll quickly pay back the money your mother owes!"

Qin Sitong can hear the bursts of malice of he Xiuxia from the recording. Even her heart suddenly had a trace of happiness. He Xiuxia was not her biological mother. Even if she was abandoned and unwanted by her biological mother, it was better than a mother like he Xiuxia.

Not even the enemy.

"I don't have much money, and she's not my mother," Qin Sitong said. "She's just my adoptive mother. I didn't have a good relationship with her before, and I can even say that I didn't get along with her."

Those people looked at each other, and one of them said fiercely, "don't lie to me. Your mother can say that you have been in contact with rich people and have a lot of money, which is enough to pay back the money she owes. I don't care whether she is your adoptive mother or your real mother. In short, you have to pay back the money she owes. I advise you to say the password of your bank card obediently, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you."

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