Her heart beat faster, she... She didn't have the ability to save him, okay!

But now, idiots know that they should answer according to his words.

"If I had the ability to save you, of course... Er, I would save you," she said. However, Qin Sitong felt that she didn't say that. She wasn't a doctor. Even if he really had any hidden diseases, she couldn't save him!

But obviously her answer made him feel good. The frightening pressure around him seemed to converge, and even the bottom of his eyes seemed to be stained with a smile.

His fingers still lingered on her lips, constantly stroking and wiping, making her only feel that her lips were burning more and more.

"Can you... Let Miao Ke's boyfriend go?" she took the opportunity to return to her original purpose.

His thick black eyelashes trembled slightly, and two words slowly spit out from his thin lips, "kiss me."


Qin Si Tong's chin fell to the ground and stared at the handsome face close at hand. She seriously suspected that she had heard wrong.

"Kiss me and I'll let you do what you want and let the reporter go," he said, leaving her lips with his slender fingers, as if giving her a choice.

Qin Sitong didn't expect that Jun Jisheng would make such a request to kiss him... Kiss this seemingly unattainable man. Even though they had a close relationship, she still couldn't imagine what it would be like to kiss him.

"Do you really want me to kiss you?" she asked, still uncertain.

"Otherwise?" he asked.

Kissing... Is actually a very simple action, but it's just the touch of her lips. But except for the forced kiss when she first met him, she didn't have any kissing experience, let alone ask her to kiss others on her own initiative.

But on second thought, she just kissed him, but it can make Miao Ke and her boyfriend no longer affected by Jun Jisheng. It seems that it's cost-effective.

Take a deep breath. Qin Sitong keeps doing psychological construction for himself. Anyway, it's not the first time to kiss Jun Jisheng. What's more, from another point of view, maybe she took advantage of kissing Jun Jisheng. After all, there are more people outside who want to kiss the president.

Qin Si Tong thought of Ah Q very much. Suddenly, he took hold of Jun Jisheng's face, stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips.

The touch of her lips was softer than she thought.

She closed her eyes and felt as if it was only a few seconds, or as if it had been a long time... Just as her lips were about to leave his lips, suddenly his hand slammed the back of her head, and his lips pressed up again.

Qin Sitong opened his eyes in a panic. What came into his eyes was his long eyelashes.

At such a close distance, she could only see his closed eyes and feel his long and domineering kiss. His kiss seemed to rob her of everything and make her flustered.

I don't know how long it took. When the kiss was over, his eyes slowly opened, and her face was printed in the Dark Phoenix eyes. "Qin Sitong, don't forget what you said today. One day, when you have the ability to save me, you won't let me die easily."

She nodded stiffly, but felt that what he said at the moment was like a arabian night. If she was ordinary, how could she save him.

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