One night can be short or long.

One night, Qin Sitong only felt that his body didn't seem to be his own. He kept occupying her, so intense, as if he wanted to devour her whole person.

In the end, her consciousness had begun to collapse.

But the face finally printed into her eyes seemed to be no longer so painful, and the Phoenix eyes seemed to have recovered their Qingming.

But she was so tired that she couldn't even hold up her eyelids. If she looked more, she didn't have the strength to ask more... So she fell asleep.

At the moment, Qin Sitong opened her eyes and saw the familiar ceiling every day when she woke up.

Where am I now? She was so excited that she suddenly remembered that this is Jun residence! She was brought by Yu Guheng last night, then pushed into the room, and then

Qin Sitong suddenly sat up, and then heard a cold voice, "wake up? Your clothes were torn yesterday. I asked someone to take new clothes. Put them on yourself."

As soon as Qin Si Tong looked up, he saw that Jun Jisheng was already dressed. His thin and strong body, wrapped in a straight suit, looked so noble and dignified. The pain and embarrassment last night seemed to be just her imagination.

She quickly pulled up the quilt and covered her body, "I... I know."

"There's more." he walked slowly to the bedside and looked at her condescending. Her eyes were dark, as if there was no emotion, "Today, after leaving Jun's residence, you are still you and I am me. You don't need to run here. No matter how painful I am, no matter how people don't look like people and ghosts don't look like ghosts, you don't need half pity. For me, the more I can't see you, the more I can look like myself."

Qin Si Tong's cheeks, which were still slightly red, began to turn pale after hearing his words. She stared at him, but she couldn't see anything from his eyes.

At this moment, she once again felt very clearly that they had really broken up, and he was no longer the man who was gentle to her and loved her.

Maybe yesterday, she shouldn't have come at all, and when she shouldn't have been able to escape, she didn't escape.

In the end, it was just a self humiliation.

She took a deep breath and smiled at herself. "OK, Mr. Jun, I will try my best not to let you see me in the future. Even if I accidentally bumped into me, I will try my best to avoid it. I'm really sorry to disturb you yesterday."

She said respectfully and politely, took off her quilt, and then took the new clothes aside and put them on one by one.

Anyway, there's nothing to be shy about. He's seen her body many times, but in the past, he would gently help her wear it, but now, he's just watching.

His eyes glanced at the pieces of blue and red on her, and he frowned slightly. He caused all these marks on her.

When she was dressed, she picked up her bag and said to him, "I will wash this dress and send it back to you another day. The guard at the door should sign for it."

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