She can guess more or less. It must have been Yu Zimu who greeted her.

The person behind Yu Zimu should be silent. At that moment, there was an unspeakable sense of complexity in her heart. On the one hand, he was so cold to her, as if those feelings in the past had gone up in smoke, but on the other hand, he would help her solve those problems.

Or, these are just his sympathy for her, she told herself in the bottom of her heart.

She should have given up. When he said he would rather never have loved her, she should have given up.

At the moment, he Xiuxia was also very surprised to see Qin Sitong standing in the mourning hall in filial piety clothes. How can it be? How can this dead girl be qualified to stand here in this dress?!

Now he Xiuxia is almost driven crazy by the people who are pressing for debt, and what makes her more helpless is that the bank has also noticed that there is a problem with the money, and is checking the accounts these days.

She knew that she might find it on her head in a few days. If she couldn't fill in the bank account now, she would really have to run away.

But her son is still in prison and can be released in a few days. She thought that at least she would run together after her son came out. After all, she still couldn't bear to give up her son.

Now, the Qin family has become her only hope.

I just hope the Qin family can read for her husband's sake and borrow her some money to fill in the bank account first. After all, the millions she misappropriated from the bank are nothing to the Qin family.

When he Xiuxia walked out of the mourning hall, she met Qin Yaner. He Xiuxia immediately put on a flattering expression and talked to Qin Yaner, asking Qin Sitong how she stood in filial piety clothes.

Naturally, Qin Yaner sneered angrily, "Your daughter is really capable. People who don't know her think she is the eldest lady of the Qin family when she stands there! She doesn't see her virtue. If she can't get married with Jun Jisheng now, otherwise the uncle will have to give her a dowry! Why should she? She deserves to be dumped by Jun Jisheng!"

He Xiuxia was surprised at this, "what, uncle wants to give the dowry to Sitong?"

"Isn't it." Qin Yaner looked at he Xiuxia again. "Why, don't you know that you are a mother?"

Of course she didn't know. The dowry of the Qin family! He Xiuxia's eyes suddenly showed greed. If these dowries were in her hands, those debts would not be a problem.

He Xiuxia started crazy calculation again in her mind.

In the evening, Qin Sitong kept a vigil in the mourning hall. She didn't eat much dinner and didn't have much appetite to eat. Looking at the photo of old lady Qin in the mourning hall, her eyes would always get hot, and the scenes of the past would emerge in front of her.

In this world, the person who is good to her has left another one, and the feeling of loneliness has swept in again.

In the late middle of the night, Qin Kaisong yawned repeatedly, and his two wives, who usually live in dignity, are also in poor spirits. Qin Kaifeng asked his second brother's family to go to bed first.

Qin Ningxiang, the son of yuan tongjuan in the outer room, stayed in the mourning hall. He was so bored that he wanted to leave early.

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