She was still drunk. She seemed to be confused. She wanted to get close to him again. She was still muttering, but he had straightened up.

Once, after his father died, he swore to himself that he would not fall in love with anyone, including his own life. If one day, you really find life, then the other party's effect on him is just "medicine".

But after really meeting her, he repeatedly violated his oath and fell in love with his life so easily.

No, he won't repeat his father's mistakes. He won't spend the rest of his life like his father, and then end himself like that. At the moment he broke up with her, he knew very well that he would rather not take "medicine" than be controlled by another person so easily, even life and death.

His life and death can only be decided by himself!

Take a deep breath, Jun Jisheng turns around and plans to leave the room. But just as he was walking away for a few steps, suddenly there was a "bang!" sound of heavy objects falling on the ground behind him.

Jun Jisheng looked back, but Qin Sitong rolled down from the bed.

And her petite body, lying on the ground, did not get up. He frowned slightly, approached her again, squatted down and said, "what's the matter?"

She just kept her head down and her whole body curled up like a shrimp.

He sipped his thin lips. He was really stupid. She was drunk now. He even asked her what happened.

So he picked her up and put her back in bed.

Just this time, when he was about to leave, she suddenly rushed over. With too much collision force and his momentary carelessness, he was pressed on the bed by her.

She sat across him, her face buried in his chest. His eyebrows frowned deeper, and her breath, the softness and temperature of her body affected him.

"Qin Sitong, come down." the cold voice sounded in the room. Now, no matter whether she is drunk or not and whether she can understand him, he won't let her continue to affect him like this.

But she was still lying in his arms, motionless.

"Come down." his voice was colder, with a faint restlessness. The longer he gets along with her, the more he will

Qin Sitong was still motionless, but her shoulder seemed to move slightly.

Just when he was ready to tear her off him directly, she suddenly raised her head. The little face was full of tears again, "you are a liar, you lie, Jun Jisheng... You lie..."

She sobbed and complained.

Her tears seemed to be a force that made her unable to move. She could only watch her tears roll down her cheeks and then drip on his chest, soaked in his clothes.

"Your... Your feelings, do you mean you can get them back... Woo woo... Why do you break up so easily... Just break up... Just because I and Han Zixuan..."

"Shut up!" he shouted fiercely, not wanting to hear the name again from her mouth.

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