"What's the matter?" Qin Si Tong said, "brother Yu, you asked brother Kuan to call me. What's the matter?"

"You come with me," said Yu Guheng, and then walked directly ahead.

Qin Sitong followed. When he entered the villa, Yu Guheng led Qin Sitong to the door of a room and opened the door.

"What's inside?" Qin Sixi looked at the other party suspiciously. Now, she didn't know what the other party was calling her.

"You'll know when you go in." Yu Guheng said.

Qin Sitong walked into the room. It was quiet. Everything was so quiet. But when she saw the man sitting on the sofa in the room, she was stunned.

That's Jun Jisheng. His sitting position at the moment is not like his usual sitting position, but his body is slightly curled up, and his legs are bent up, just like a shrimp. His face was buried in his knees. But even if she couldn't see his face, she could be very sure that it was Jun Jisheng.

Qin Si Tong closed her lips and turned to leave. She didn't want to see him now.

But as soon as she turned around, Yu Guheng stopped her and said, "don't go yet. Do you know how Jisheng came to me last night?"

"Brother Yu, I don't want to know. Sorry, I want to leave first." Qin Sitong said.

But Yu Guheng still looked after himself. "Last night, he came to me directly in the rain. I don't know what happened, but I really don't want to recall his appearance at that time."

At the thought of the scene last night, Yu Guheng felt a tremor. When Jisheng appeared in front of him, he was all wet. What surprised him more was that Jisheng was full of a sad feeling. His expression was like a child, so at a loss.

When he rushed up and asked, "Jisheng, what's the matter? What happened? Why did you come like this?"

Jisheng just smiled at him and said, "so Heng... I obviously don't care about her love... But... Why am I so afraid... That she will fall in love with others... That she will never love me again? I'm so afraid... So afraid..."

When Jisheng said this, his body even trembled uncontrollably. He had never seen such a Jisheng. At that time, he quickly asked Jisheng to change his clothes and take a hot bath.

But Jisheng is like a robot. He needs instructions one by one to make him do these simple actions. It was as if all his thoughts had been occupied by that fear, leaving only a body.

In the evening, Yu Guheng arranged for Jun Jisheng to sleep in his villa first.

I wanted to make a side talk about what happened in the morning, but I didn't expect that after Jisheng woke up in the morning, it was

At the moment, it was like hearing the voice of their dialogue. Jun Jisheng's body moved. The head originally buried in his knees raised slightly. After seeing Qin Sixi Tong, his eyes suddenly brightened, quickly got down from the sofa, ran to Qin Sixi Tong, and then held Qin Sixi Tong in his arms.

Qin Si Tong didn't react, so he was hugged into the broad arms, and then the magnetic voice, with a unique whisper, sounded in her ear, "sister, I miss you so much!"

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