Suddenly, the sound of knocking at the door sounded. Qin Sitong opened the door. After seeing Jun Jisheng, he suddenly brightened his eyes and suddenly pulled Jun Jisheng and said, "can you help me find where Chengcheng is?"

"Are you looking for Kong Chengcheng?" Jun Jisheng asked.

"Yes." Qin Si Tong nodded, "this afternoon Chengcheng went to Yu Guheng and said he had something to say to each other, but I called Chengcheng's mobile phone after work, but it was turned off. I couldn't get through to Yu Guheng's mobile phone, but I'm afraid something would happen."

Jun Jisheng said, "don't worry first." then he took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Yu Guheng's number. After a while, Yu Guheng picked up his mobile phone and said, "Jisheng, what's the matter?"

"Do you know where Kong Chengcheng is?" Jun Jisheng asked.

Yu Guheng was stunned, then his voice was a little uncomfortable and said, "I don't know. She came to my company to see me this afternoon, but she left after talking for a while. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just Si Tong's phone call is off, so I want to ask if you know her whereabouts. Since you don't know, I'll find another way." Jun Jisheng said.

After ending the call with Yu Guheng, Jun Jisheng made several more calls and told the other party to check Kong Chengcheng's action route after coming out of Yu's side. Now monitoring is developed, and monitoring is distributed in many places.

Qin Sitong looked at Jun Jisheng on the phone and listened to all kinds of replies. She was very nervous. She was really afraid of what would happen to Chengcheng.

I don't know what happened between Cheng Cheng and Yu Guheng? Since Chengcheng left Yu's group long ago, she didn't go back to the company or home. Where would she go? Qin Si Tong guessed wildly in his head.

Finally, she heard Jun Jisheng say, "I found Kong Chengcheng, on the other side of the long square."

"Changle square?" Qin Si Tong was stunned, but he immediately said, "then I'll find her!" he took his wallet and door key and was about to run out.

Jun Jisheng grabbed her and said, "I'll go with you and take my car."

Qin Si Tong nodded. Now she just wanted to find Chengcheng quickly!

Jun Jisheng's car soon drove to Changle square. Qin Sitong only saw Kong Chengcheng sitting on the bench next to the flower bed in the square, lowering his head. He didn't know what he was thinking.

People came and went around, but Kong Chengcheng's figure looked so lonely.

Qin Si Tong hurried forward and shouted, "Chengcheng!"

Kong Chengcheng's body trembled slightly, but he didn't look up until Qin Sitong ran to her and shouted "Chengcheng!" Kong Chengcheng slowly raised his head, looked at Qin Sitong, and then showed a smile worse than crying, "Sitong..." and the tears on her face couldn't stop falling.

"Yes... Sorry... I don't want to cry... Sorry..." Kong Chengcheng casually wiped the tears on his face. She doesn't want her friends to worry about her, so she wants to smile and tell Sitong that she's okay. She's fine.

But when she saw her good friend's face, her string that had been falling tightly seemed to break suddenly, and her tears couldn't stop at all.

The more Kong Chengcheng wipes his tears, the worse his tears fall.

Qin Sitong looked sad and suddenly hugged each other. "Chengcheng, if you want to cry, just cry. What can't you cry in front of me!"

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