"I... I'll call an ambulance now. Hold on." she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and wanted to call 120.

But she just pressed two numbers on her mobile phone, and then he jumped up.

Her cell phone fell to the ground, and she was thrown to the ground by him.

so painful! Qin Sitong only felt a pain coming from the back of his head and back. The whole person was a little dizzy, but before she recovered from the pain, Jun Jisheng's body had been pressed on her.

She was barely breathing.

"Jun Jisheng, get up... Don't press me first..." she shouted.

However, he pressed her under his body and firmly clasped her with his hands. His fingers hurt her very much, as if he wanted to buckle down half of her skin and flesh.

It hurts more than just falling on the ground!

"Jun Jisheng, you..."

"Help me..." he suddenly said two words, but she suddenly silenced. He... Is asking her for help?! Such a proud man is begging others to save him?! It seems incredible to think about it.

"I... I'm going to save you. You let go and let me take my cell phone so that I can make an emergency call!" Qin Sitong said.

But Jun Jisheng didn't seem to hear it, but he still held her persistently, like a drowning man. Once he caught the driftwood, he wouldn't let go.

In this way, she can't get her mobile phone at all, let alone make an emergency call.

Qin Sitong thought for a while and estimated that maybe Jun Jisheng had been tortured by pain and lost his mind, so he would ask her for help, otherwise he would have finished making an emergency call himself!

"OK, I'll save you, I'll save you, you'll be fine, you'll be fine! Take a deep breath, relax, relax!" she comforted him. She could move her hands a little bit, gently caressed his back, and patted it rhythmically. After patting for a while, Qin Sitong reacted. Now he has a disease attack, not comforting a crying child, She patted like this. What if it worsened his condition.

But then she felt his body calming down. If his body fluctuated severely due to breathing when he first pressed her, his breathing is much more stable and his body is not as tight as before.

Does this mean that her actions and words just now are effective? Thinking of this, Qin Si Tong tried harder to repeat her previous actions and words, patting him on the back and saying, "I'll save you, I'll save you, so don't worry, relax, you'll be fine..."

Just when she was thinking about asking him to get up and she was ready to pick up the mobile phone not far away and call 120, his voice suddenly sounded, "why did you come in again?" his voice was very hoarse and light, as if he didn't even have the strength to speak. If you don't listen carefully, I'm afraid you can't hear what he was saying at all.

"Just think I'm brave," she said. Even she couldn't tell why she came in again. She was obviously afraid of him, afraid of him, and disgusted that he wanted to manipulate her life. She even once bullied her, but after hearing his painful roar, her body seemed to come in uncontrollably.

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