Kong Chengcheng shook his head and said, "marriage is just a matter for the two of us. In the future, it's just the two of us who will accompany us all our lives. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the wedding is big or small. As long as you are willing to stand by me no matter what happens."

"Sure." Yu Guheng promised.

Kong Chengcheng smiled, then took the initiative to hook Yu Guheng's chin and kissed him hard. How can she not love such a man.

The two kissed breathlessly, and Yu Guheng said coldly, "that yipo doesn't look as good as me, right?"

Kong Chengcheng was stunned, please? Is this guy still eating dry vinegar? But she was very cute, so she smiled and said, "yes, yes, he doesn't look as good as you."

So, president Yu was satisfied and kissed Kong Chengcheng again.

Just when they kissed each other, the door of the bedroom was suddenly pushed open, "I said Chengcheng, you said to Sitong today that you would invite her and Jun to come tomorrow..." mother Kong's voice suddenly stopped.

In the room, the three people all looked embarrassed. Finally, Kong Chengcheng took the lead in saying, "Mom, I told Si Tong that we'll invite them to dinner at home tomorrow night."

"Just say it, just say it..." Kong's mother smiled and withdrew from the bedroom. When she was about to leave the room, she couldn't help adding, "Xiaoheng, Chengcheng is still in the early and middle stage of pregnancy. Between you... Er, pay attention to some things. If you can avoid them, you'd better try to avoid them."

Although mother Kong spoke euphemistically, how could Kong Chengcheng and Yu Guheng not understand this meaning? So, after Kong's mother left the room, they looked at each other. After a while, Kong Chengcheng said, "well... It seems necessary to lock the door in the future.


"... if you really feel that impulsive... I don't mind helping you with your hand..."

"For the time being... It should not be used yet..."

"Oh, remember to say it when you need it."

"... OK."


The Kong family's treat was originally intended to pack a table in the hotel. Later, I thought, like Jun Jisheng, I'm afraid I'm tired of those dishes in the hotel. Besides, what people usually eat in the hotel is not short of the most high-grade wine and dishes. Then I thought, it's still a treat at home. It may be more meaningful for Kong's mother to cook some specialty dishes by herself.

The food in the evening is very rich, which can be compared with the food on New Year's Eve.

Mother Kong was also busy in the kitchen from the afternoon until Qin Sitong and Jun Ji came and were still busy in the kitchen.

A total of six people ate, but they fully prepared more than a dozen dishes, which shows the sincerity of the Kong family.

"Come and have a taste. I don't know if these dishes are to your taste." mother Kong greeted warmly.

"Auntie, you're so polite." Qin Sitong said.

"You're just being polite to your aunt. Try it quickly. Some dishes don't taste good when they're cold." Kong Mu said.

Jun Jisheng took a piece of egg yolk with his chopsticks and bit, "yes, it's very crisp."

Hearing this, Kong's mother, as the chef, was relieved. She was deeply afraid that her cooking would not meet Jun Jisheng's taste.

On the other hand, Yu Guheng was busy cooking for Kong Chengcheng, so he almost didn't feed it directly to Kong Chengcheng. Kong Chengcheng couldn't help saying, "OK, I'll do it myself. You make me feel like a disabled person."

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