Jun Jisheng's eyes flashed. Is that really all? He didn't think it would be so simple.

Unknowingly, the smoke has been burned out. Try not to smoke a few mouthfuls.

"The smoke is almost done, let's go in." Jun Jisheng said, put out his cigarette end and took the lead in entering the house.

Seeing this, Kong Fu felt uneasy. He felt that the other party didn't believe him. But will the other party check it? If you really find something, can he... And his home... Still be like this?

At this moment, his heart was extremely flustered.

Some things, if they can be buried forever, may not be a good thing.

When Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng returned to Qin Sitong's apartment, she looked at his cheek and said, "you drink a little too much tonight."

"It's a lot, but it's not drunk yet," he said.

"You seldom smoke at ordinary times. Tonight, you go out to smoke with Chengcheng's father. Didn't you say he was afraid of you?" Qin Sitong said suspiciously.

"It is because he is afraid of me that he wants to smoke together." Jun Jisheng said.

Qin Si Tong couldn't help laughing. Is this the connection between men? "I feel that although Chengcheng's home is small, it's very warm. It's also good for everyone to sit around and eat together."

"It's very good, Kong Chengcheng's home... In fact, it's really enviable." Jun Jisheng murmured.

Qin Sitong also has this feeling. He admires the atmosphere of Chengcheng's family. Maybe it's because she and Jisheng don't have it.

"In the future, our family will be like this," she said to him. "There will be me and our... Er, the adopted children will be happy as a family."

He looked as if he felt it. His long eyelashes almost covered all his eyes. "Will you envy Kong Chengcheng when he sees that she is pregnant?"

"Ah?" she was stunned, and then reflected the meaning of his sentence. "We will envy, but we will not lose." she replied truthfully, "if it is really impossible for us to have our own children, then give this love to the adopted children. Many people abroad will adopt orphans without blood relationship. Similarly, the family is very beautiful and warm."

He slowly raised his eyes and looked at her, "Sitong, even if there are no children, I will make you a happy woman."

"Well, I believe," she said with a smile. She believed that he would give her happiness!


Because of Kong Chengcheng's pregnancy, most of the text work related to the new micro film was taken by Qin Sitong. Kong Chengcheng asked for more sharing, which was called back by Qin Sitong.

Fortunately, brother Kuan divided two people to help Qin Sitong, so Qin Sitong's workload has been relieved a lot. However, due to the start of the film, Qin Sitong began to often run to the shooting site. Anything that needs to be modified in the script should be modified in time.

At more than 4 p.m., Qin Sitong sent a text message to Jun Jisheng, saying that he would work overtime in the evening and would not have dinner with him.

After sending a short message, Qin Sitong looked up and saw the drama manager smiling vaguely at her, "send a short message to your boyfriend?"

"Er, can you see?" Qin Sitong asked.

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