"It's very important to you?" Qin Kaifeng's tone became strange, and his pupils suddenly tightened and stared at Qin Sitong. That kind of look was like looking at something surprising.

Why is Yuanyuan's badge important to Sitong? Is it true that between Yuanyuan and Sitong

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?" Qin Kaifeng's abnormal appearance made Qin Sitong a little uneasy. "What is that badge? Does it mean anything?" because I feel that all the abnormalities of Qin Kaifeng seem to be related to that badge.

"Do you know when your birthday is?" Qin Kaifeng asked.

Qin Sitong Yilin said, "it's June 29. Uncle, what do you ask? Does this badge have any special meaning? Is it... Related to my biological parents?" otherwise, uncle would ask her birthday for no reason.

"June 29?" Bi Yuanyuan was stunned when she was born, and a touch of loss flashed on her face. It seemed that she thought too much. Yuanyuan had nothing to do with her.

But... Somehow, knowing that Yuanyuan had given birth to a dead baby, she felt a pain in her heart.

"Well, even if you have nothing to do with Yuanyuan, you are still my niece." Qin Kaifeng said to Qin Sitong, "no matter what difficulties and troubles you have, remember to tell your uncle."

Maybe it was because the child had the shadow of Yuanyuan that Feng gave her the badge to keep.

Patted her on the shoulder, he said, "well, it's getting late, and I should go back." Qin Kaifeng said, turning to leave.

Looking at Qin Kaifeng's back, Qin Sitong suddenly felt lonely and cool. Uncle has been alone for so many years just to find someone.

He has no wife and no children. Even though he has such a big Qin family, he still seems to have nothing.

"Uncle!" Qin Sitong suddenly said, "you must find aunt Yuanyuan." in this way, uncle won't be alone.

Qin Kaifeng paused, turned his head and looked at Qin Sitong. Vaguely, he seemed to see Yuanyuan. Would Yuanyuan also want him to find her?

Will she forgive him when she finds it? Will she still love him? Or a complete hatred?

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