"Who knows?" he said faintly, his eyes light, and ordered the driver to drive back to Jun's residence.

As soon as Kong Chengcheng's wedding is over, this matter will be over, and this is his greatest kindness.


Qin Kaisong said to his son Qin Ningxiang, "You also spend more or less on your work. You see, your eldest brother has completed several businesses this year, which has increased a lot of profits for the Qin group. He can also devote part of his energy to micro film in the newly established Qin film industry. If the film can be popular, the film industry will officially prepare for the film and enter the big screen in the next step. If it can be really popular at that time If you make good achievements, I'm afraid your uncle will choose your brother as his successor in the future. "

"Uncle Ben doesn't care about me!" Qin Ningxiang said. "Dad, if you had righted my mother back then, now uncle should care about me. You don't know. Uncle doesn't like my mother all the time."

Qin Kaisong also sighed. He fell in love with yuan tongjuan when his wife was pregnant, so that he made the other party pregnant. However, his mother insisted that yuan tongjuan was unwilling to kill her child, so he could only be a little wife. This situation has lasted for so many years.

The eldest brother is really full of his little wife. He thinks she is simply greedy and vain. When he knows that the other party has a wife and his wife is still pregnant, he still makes such a thing on purpose. He just wants to marry into a rich family with his children.

Therefore, the eldest brother is not too welcome to yuan tongjuan's two children, but is good to his eldest son Qin ningyao.

However, Qin Kaisong himself is more partial to his second son. He always feels that the little wife has not even a formal position with him for so many years, so he always wants to compensate his son.

"Well, stop saying these words. You can do good deeds. Your uncle will naturally take a fancy to you. Also, don't learn from Yan'er and provoke Qin Sitong. Your uncle values her very much. Your uncle is still checking on the previous medicine, just to give an explanation to each other." Qin Kaisong said.

Qin Ningxiang was surprised when he heard the speech. "What, uncle is still investigating this?" he thought it had been a while, and it should be over, but who ever thought it wasn't over yet.

"Yes, your uncle has sent people abroad to check. The drug is only available abroad and is new, so the scope has been reduced a lot." Qin Kaisong said.

When Qin Ningxiang heard the speech, there was another storm in his heart. If big Bo found out that it was related to him, let alone being elected as the successor, I'm afraid he won't stay in the Qin family again.

"By the way, uncle, I don't seem to have seen uncle today. Has he gone abroad?" Qin Ningxiang asked.

"No, your uncle went to the countryside and said he was going to see someone." Qin Kaisong said.

"See people?" Qin Ningxiang was stunned. Who is this uncle looking for in the countryside?


Qin Kaifeng looked at the old R-U mother lying on the hospital bed. When his mother married into the Qin family, she followed her mother's servant girl together. Later, his mother found her a husband, but it was OK.

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