Ye Ling pulled Xia Xiwan to a nail shop, "come on, let's do the manicure."

Xia Xiwan has never done a manicure before. She has been studying medicine and can develop pills and so on. She has no spare time to dress up.

But now girls are beginning to do manicure, will make themselves refined, men can not refuse delicate women.

Miss manicure sister asked, "two beauties, what kind of Manicure do you want to do, do you need to recommend?"

Ye Ling hook up bright red lips, "little sister, thank you, we choose ourselves."

Ye Ling's fashion aesthetics is prominent in various fields. With her presence, she naturally does not need to be recommended.

"Wanwan, what do you like?"

Xia Xiwan flipped through the manicure book, and the color in it had dazzled her.

Ye Ling pointed to a color, "how about this one?"

Ye Ling refers to pink, especially pink.

Miss manicure sister can not help but praise, "this pink is the color of spring, very suitable for young girls of pure age."

Summer evening line pure water, age is also small enough, are like Lu Hanting.

Ye Ling blinked at Xia Xiwan and added in a low voice, "straight man will definitely like it."

Straight Male?

The meaning of Ye Ling's words is very obvious. Lu Hanting is a straight man. This pink color is what he likes.

The snow-white earlobe of Xia Xiwan can't help being a little red, "Lingling, what color do you do?"

Ye Ling looked through the manicure book, "I said that I have professional quality. Of course, I want to be a color that my lord likes and please him."

As a good friend, Xia Xiwan certainly knows that Ye Ling's so-called "Lord of gold" is actually Gu Yejin.

Two years ago, after the evening of the adult ceremony, Ye Ling left Gu's family, left Haicheng and entered the entertainment circle.

The entertainment industry is a big dye vat. I'm afraid those who go in like Ye Ling will be robbed and divided by those big capitalists. Behind Ye Ling, Gu Yejin has arranged a gold medal broker and public relations team for her. The resources are the best. All the star hotels and high-class RV are in and out. Gu Yejin still dotes on Ye Ling's sister as perverted as before.

However, it is true that Ye Ling and Gu Yejin haven't seen each other for two years.

Ye Ling has not returned to this sea city for two years. It was her first meeting with Gu Yejin just now.

Xia Xiwan approaches Ye Ling, "Gu Shao looks very cold. He is really forbidden to enter. He is more fierce and dark than Mr. Lu. He will like manicure?"

Ye Lingtou also did not lift, "you were cheated by his appearance, he ah If you take off your clothes, you will be an animal. Mr. Lu's heart is lust, but in his heart Sao, women like the most beautiful, manicure of course is I like the most voluptuous. "


Xia Xiwan especially wants to convey Ye Ling's evaluation to Gu Yejin.

At this time Ye Ling pointed to a color, "make this for me."

Xia Xiwan droops a look, Ye Ling picked red, the most vivid red, almost enchanting.


Xia Xiwan has already finished her manicure. She looks back and sees a figure as long as jade leaping into the door. Gu Yejin is coming.

"Gu Shao, here." Summer evening hook lips smile.

Gu Yejin walked in with long legs. His cold black eyes glanced at the nail shop lightly, "what about Lingling?"

"Lingling is doing the manicure in it, and it will be ready soon."

Said Xia Xiwan that nail Book pushed to Gu Yejin's present, "Gu Shao, which color do you think is good-looking?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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