Ye Ling raised his middle finger.

I don't know if it's for him or for Xia Yanyan and Huo Xuan.

Xia Yanyan and Huo Xuan's faces changed again and again. Gu Yejin pushed her right cheek with the tip of her tongue. Her thin lips drew a dark arc. She raised her hand and pulled the button between her neck.


After seeing off Xia Yanyan and Huo Xuan, Gu Yejin stops meibach downstairs. He looks up at the bright yellow light above.

At this time, "Ding", Lu Hanting's message came. Where did Ye Ling take my wife Lu to play today?

Lu Hanting received a consumption message at the company's meeting today. He gave Xia Xiwan a black gold card, but she didn't move it for so long. His wife Lu has her own persistence and little pride.

Therefore, he was quite surprised to receive a short message of consumption today. At that time, he picked up his thin lips and laughed.

The senior management of the company who held the meeting did not know. Therefore, he thought that he had made many zeros.

Gu Yejin replied. Why don't you ask your wife Lu?

Lu Hanting, she just swiped my card. If I ask, she will scare her away. What should she do if she doesn't brush it?

Gu Yejin

Isn't Lu Hanting scared away by you?

Gu Yejin felt that there was no need to talk about this day. He wanted to throw away his mobile phone, but after thinking about it, he returned it patiently. It seems that Ye Ling took your wife Lu to buy a silk nightdress and a manicure. You should like it all.

Lu Hanting has returned to Youlan garden. Now he is in his study. He has read Gu Yejin's text message back and forth several times. His wife Lu bought a silk nightdress for manicure.

Lu Hanting asked Ye Ling to stay in Haicheng for more days. Don't rush away.

Gu Yejin left her cell phone in the co driver's seat.

Lu put down his mobile phone and looked down at the documents, but he couldn't read a word, so he got up and went out to find his grandmother.

"Granny, do you want to go on Asked Lu.

Old lady Lu nodded, "yes, wanwan hasn't come back for two days."

"Let's have a video chat with wanwan?"

"I think so."


Drunk Yuhuan.

Xia Xiwan had just taken a bath, put on the nude silk skirt she bought today, and just wiped her long wet hair with a towel, her wechat rang.

Lu Hanting's grandmother missed you and wanted to video with you.

Video chat

If Lu Hanting wants to video with her, Xia Xiwan will never pick it up, but grandma wants her

At this time, Lu Hanting's video chat has been quickly dialed over.

Xia Xiwan was connected, and Mrs. Lu's kind face quickly appeared on her mobile phone, "ah wanwan, you didn't wear a veil today. Tut, my wanwan is really beautiful, like a fairy from the sky."

Xia Xiwan touched her face. She had just taken a bath and was cleaning her hair. She didn't wear a veil. Moreover, there was only her and Lingling in the apartment, so there was no need to wear a veil.

Now seen by the old lady, Xia Xiwan juelie's small face slowly turned red, "grandma, you make fun of me."

"Grandma wants to wanwan. Does wanwan Miss grandma?"

"Well," Xia Xiwan chicken pecked rice nodded, "Wan Wan also want to grandma."

"Although grandma would like to wanwan very much, wanwan should not rush home for grandma's sake, and come back when you are in a good mood."

Xia Xiwan's heart flows out a warm current. They all say that an old man is like a treasure. Although grandma is old, her heart is like a mirror. She knows everything.

Xia Xiwan is moved, but Lu Hanting looks at his grandmother, grandma, who is your own? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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