"Director Zhou, Wan Wan is my sister. Although she is wrong, I hope you can forgive her lightly. I am willing to bear all the punishment for her." Xia Yanyan can't wait to show herself and set up people for herself.

Sure enough, Zhou Ping looks at Xia Yanyan with appreciation and softness. Zhou Ping has no problem with her personality. The directors like children who are good at grades and obedient. Xia Yuanyuan, the first girl who returned from the holy Li College in F country, is simply a good student representative that Zhou Ping likes.

Zhou Ping said mildly, "Xia Yanyan, you are welcome to join our privy. You are placed under the leadership of group leader Zhao. I hope you can integrate into the Privy as soon as possible. The president will be back soon. I hope you can show yourself well."

Is the Dean coming back?

Xia Yanyan's heart leaped heavily. Li Wenqing, the president of Privy Council Research Institute, is now an academician with high expectations. He is now doing academic seminars in the imperial capital.

Xia Yanyan said, "director Zhou, I know. I will try my best to live up to the expectations of you and the president."

"Yes." Zhou Ping nodded, and then her eyes fell on Xia Xiwan's body. She frowned all of a sudden.

"Wanwan, please apologize to Director Zhou quickly." Xia Yanyan urged.

Xia Xiwan is not in a hurry at all. She takes back her fiber arm from Xia Yanyan's hand, then looks up at Zhou Ping with a pair of black and bright Jian pupils, and crisp Sheng says, "director Zhou, Xia Xiwan is reporting to you now. I'm here to join the privy."


Xia Yanyan is shocked and looks at Xia Xiwan. She thinks that in front of director Zhou, Xia Xiwan will show her original shape and run away in a hurry, but she should report to Director Zhou openly?!

What happened?

Zhao Liying was also shocked.

Zhou Ping looked at the admission list in her hand. There was no Xia Xiwan on the list. Xia Xiwan was airborne last night!

Zhou Ping naturally dislikes a person who has no education background or medical experience.

Zhou Ping coughed, "Xia Xiwan, although I don't know why you were admitted by the privy, but here in me, anyone who muddles through without real talent will be kicked out!"

Xia Xiwan smiles, "yes, director Zhou!"

Zhou Ping thinks that the girl's eyes are really beautiful, watery, clean and clear, with a bright smile, very gratifying.

No talent!

Zhou Ping frowned, "Xia Xiwan, it's useless to please your superiors. You don't have to flatter that set. Now that you enter the internship period, the research group certainly can't get in. I've arranged you in the prescription. You go to get the medicine first, and I'll see your performance!"

This traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy is not so simple. What kind of medicine and so many traditional Chinese medicines can torture people crazy.

Zhou Ping thought Xia Xiwan would say something, but Xia Xiwan nodded forcefully, "yes, director Zhou!"

Zhou Ping moved her mouth. "Xia Xiwan, do you know how many kinds of medicinal materials do we have in privy? As the largest research center of traditional Chinese medicine in China, privy includes all the medicinal materials in Chinese Materia Medica, 11000 kinds of herbal pieces and proprietary Chinese medicines, 900 kinds of plant medicinal materials, 100 kinds of animal medicinal materials, 80 kinds of multi mineral drugs, plus other ethnic medicine, a total of more than 12800 kinds."

"In which Cabinet do you put these more than 12800 kinds of medicinal materials, you should be familiar with them. I will only give you three days. At this time, after three days, I will make a public spot check on you in the pharmacy. If you make any mistakes, I will ask you to leave the Privy Council immediately. Xia Xiwan, do you dare to agree?"

Xia Yanyan and Zhao Liying look at Zhou Ping in shock. Xia xiwanjin is crazy, and director Zhou only gives Xia Xiwan three days to memorize the 12800 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines!

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