Xia Xiwan looked at Shuangshuang in surprise, "Shuangshuang, you already know where the 12800 kinds of medicinal materials are?"

Speaking of this, shuangshuangshuang sheepishly smiles, "I've been here for more than a year, but I don't even remember all the 800 kinds of herbs, ha ha."

Xia Xiwan, "..."

Shuangshuang grabbed Xia Xiwan's sleeve and blinked playfully, "I don't think you can turn over and slap others in the face when you are in a desperate situation. I also bet that you can win the spot check of director Zhou three days later. So for my gambling money, I must help you well."

Xia Xiwan or very grateful, in addition to Ye Ling, Shuangshuang is the second friend willing to bet on her

"Xi Wan, come on. The Privy's pharmacy is very large. I'll show you how to get to know each other." Shuangshuang pulls the summer sunset line past.

At this time, Xia Xiwan suddenly saw a man sleeping on the table in the corner. It was a man in a white shirt with long legs.

It's a pity that the man sleeps on the table. Xia Xiwan can't see his face.

Xia Xiwan whispered, "Shuangshuang, who is that man?"

"I don't know. The man came here three months ago. He didn't do anything and went to sleep there."

Xia Xiwan, "..."

Isn't privy council all talents?

Xia Xiwan looked at the sleeping man, and looked at Shuangshuang, a face of doubt.

Shuangshuang was embarrassed again and coughed twice. "Xi Wan, I'll tell you the truth. I clean the pharmacy. Although I'm not interested in medicine, I'm diligent. My hobby is all kinds of flowers and plants."

Shuangshuang pointed to several flowerpots arranged by the wall. "Those are all mine. I planted them."

Xia Xiwan went to the flowerpot to have a look. She couldn't see the seeds or sprout. She just had a pot of soil. She didn't know what Shuangshuang was planting.

However, legitimate hobbies are respected.

"Xiwan, let's go. Let's quickly remember those herbs. Time is precious."

Shuangshuang takes Xia Xiwan to the medicine cabinet and begins to introduce that privy Research Institute is indeed the largest hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Almost all rare and precious medicinal materials can be seen here.

The long feather of summer evening line trembles. Is it really created by mummy?


Soon it was noon, Shuangshuang took Xia Xiwan to the Privy's canteen for dinner. Xia Xiwan was a celebrity, and everyone's eyes were on him and whispered.

Is that Xia Xiwan?

I wonder how she got into privy.

I am more curious about how she will respond to Director Zhou's spot check three days later.

I bet she loses.

Is it gambling?

Shuangshuang found a seat, handed the chopsticks to Xia Xiwan, and said with a cheerful smile, "Xiwan, don't be affected by them. Miracles are born in the dispute. We will blind their dog eyes in three days."

At this time, a commotion came, someone exclaimed, "look, Xia Yanyan is coming!"

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