Zhao Liying wants this effect, he impatiently urges a way, "I don't care about this, Xia Xiwan, you hurry to clean up."

Xia Xiwan pulled up Shuangshuang and said, "OK, I'm going to clean up."

Seeing Xia Xiwan take the tools, Shuangshuang is still arguing, "group leader Zhao, I don't think this is the meaning of director Zhou, but you mean it. You deliberately make trouble for Xiwan!"

Zhao Liying looked at Shuangshuang chubby with disgust, "Shuangshuang, how do you make friends with Xia Xiwan? Sure enough, people get together in class. I don't care about your affairs, but don't call me in front of others later. How can I like you when you look so fat? You make me lose my head in front of the public and make me lose face!"

Shuangshuang's eyes quickly turned red, "Zhao Liying, so you think so. Since I have disgraced you, let's cancel the engagement!"

"That's what you said. Don't go back on it!" Zhao Liying quickly grasped her words, for fear that she would regret it.

"I said it. I won't regret it!" Said Shuangshuang also ran to pick up the tool, "Xiwan, I help you, we clean together!"


Shuangshuang likes Zhao Liying. Zhao Liying is handsome, has a good family background, and is also a medical student with good conditions. Now the two people break their engagement and both cry.

Xia Xiwan comforts a way, "Shuangshuang, don't be sad for Zhao Liying. He is not suitable for you. You will find better boys than him in the future."

Xia Xiwan doesn't tell Shuangshuang that Zhao Liying is in love with Xia Yanyan. She is not suitable for simple and lovely Shuangshuang because of her bad taste and bad intentions.

Shuangshuang tried to endure the sadness and wiped away her tears, "en en Xi Wan, I don't cry anymore. It's not worth being sad for him!"

Two people began to clean up at noon, has been cleaning to the evening, only to clean a building, Shuangshuang this even sad strength is not, two people are tired and paralyzed.

In the evening, the research institute is going to close. Both of them pack up their things and go home, "Xiwan, let's go together."

Xia Xiwan shook his head, "Shuangshuang, I want to go back to the pharmacy to see the herbs. You've been tired for a day, so go home and have a rest."

Think about the double night, she is not interested in the double night, but I don't want to leave a leg

"Good, 88."

After seeing off shuangshuangshuang, Xia Xiwan returns to the pharmacy. The light of the pharmacy has been turned off, and the black hand can not see five fingers.

Xia Xiwan has just come here. She hasn't had time to see where the light switch is today. She gropes forward all the way.

At this time, "Dong" sound, she hit a wall.


My forehead hurts.

Xia Xiwan covers her forehead and raises her eyes. In the dark, she sees a handsome face.


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