Just now he disappeared, and now he came back quietly. Xia Xiwan was really scared again. Did he walk quietly?

At this time, Xia Xiwan saw that there was one more thing in his hand, which was instant noodles.

The instant noodles have been taken apart and hot water is poured in it. It's steaming hot.

Xia Xiwan's stomach was very disheartened and called "Gulu".

She ate very little at noon. She has been cleaning all afternoon. She hasn't had dinner yet. She's really hungry.

Xia Xiwan sees a man reading a book, which is a medical book. His fingers are white and slender, and they are very beautiful. The people who can have these hands are either playing the piano or practicing medicine.

What is his origin?

Xia Xiwan is not interested in these. What she is interested in is That bowl of instant noodles.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry to eat the instant noodles.

Xia Xiwan got up and came to the man's side, "that Excuse me, would you like to have this bowl of instant noodles? I haven't had dinner yet. Can you Borrow your instant noodles and I'll give it back to you tomorrow. "

The man did not look up, the waves of the bangs covered his black eyes, a white shirt, he was handsome and cold, just like the hero coming out of the Korean drama.

He said slowly, "take it."

So he can talk.

Xia Xiwan holds up the instant noodles, thanks a lot, and then goes back to his chair to enjoy this bowl of instant noodles.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, and summer evening line calls again.

Mr. Lu is still calling.

Xia Xiwan quickly pressed the button to connect, "Hello, Mr. Lu."

Lu Hanting's deep and magnetic voice passed on faintly, with only two words, "come out."

He told her to come out.

Is it

Xia Xiwan eyes a bright, she quickly put down the hands of the small fork, in a hurry to run out.

Out of the Privy Council's gate, Xia Xiwan saw the Rolls Royce phantom luxury car on the roadside. It was Lu Hanting's car.

He's here.

Xia Xiwan stops to look at him. Lu Hanting gets out of the car. Now he is leaning lazily against the luxury car body. He is wearing a gray shirt. At this time, the dim yellow lights on both sides of the street are plated on his handsome three-dimensional side face, which is absolutely charming.

She didn't lie. He was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen.

"Mr. Lu, here I am!" The summer twilight makes a sound.

Lu Hanting's side eyes, standing straight, wearing a red sweater girl pure and pretty into his sight.

Xia Xiwan cast off his legs, ran over and directly rushed to his arms.

Lu Hanting almost instantly reached out and put her arms around her delicate and sweet little body.

Xia Xiwan pasted juelie's small face in his arms, rubbed and rubbed, acting like a kitten, "Mr. Lu, why did you want to hang up my phone just now? Are you afraid that I can comfort you and pity you?"

Two people have known each other for so long, Lu Hanting is really rarely able to enjoy her so active moment. Now she looks up at him with a pair of clear water eyes, and Lu Hanting purses his thin lips, "what I said in the phone just now, I have forgotten, you also forget."

Xia Xiwan nodded smartly, "OK, you can forget if you forget, Mr. Lu. Next, you can't forget what I said to you. I don't want to comfort you or pity you. I just want to tell you that in the future, I will protect you!"

Lu Hanting's big hand buckled her soft slender waist, "protect me, you?"

"Mr. Lu, don't look down on me. They are three people. Grandma, you and I are also three people. When it comes to medical genius, I'm not afraid. If they dare to bully you, I will protect you!"

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