Xia Yanyan's face is white like a piece of paper. The Bureau she set up today not only failed to frame Xia Xiwan, but also put herself into it.

Now, the whole Haicheng celebrity circle knows that Lu Hanting likes the summer sunset, and Lu Hanting's 1.2 billion for her trench has become a joke.

She is to understand, Lu Hanting that man is the biggest foundation of Xia Xiwan!

Xia Yanyan wants to talk, but she is humane.

can't you see that Xia Yanyan has been abandoned, and Xia Xiwan is the new girl now.

Mr. Lu passed by her just now. He didn't even look at her. He just regarded her as air.

General manager Lu said that the face had already played for Xia Xiwan, indicating that she was fighting Xia Yanyan's face.

Let's go. In any case, Mr. Lu has not thrown $1.2 billion for our trench. We should not be stupid enough to be a gunner for others.

These Haicheng celebrities had been jealous of Xia Yanyan, but now she was abandoned. So they took advantage of Xia Xiwan's anger to step on Xia Yanyan's feet with sarcasm, then twisted their buttocks and left.

Xia Yanyan has never had such a cold reception, she was frozen in place, the gums were bitten out of blood.

At this time, Xia Yanyan saw Gu Yejin. She quickly asked, "Yejin, what's wrong with Xia Xiwan and general manager Lu? Are you hiding something from me?"

Gu Yejin did not speak, Ye Ling came out of the box, she suddenly saw Gu Yejin standing outside, Gu Yejin was next to Xia Yanyan.

Ye Ling took the initiative to say hello, "brother."

Gu Yejin side eyes, look to Ye Ling, his cold black eyes up and down a look at Ye Ling, see her wearing more cool, he frowned a thin lip, "come here, I'll send you home later."

Ye Ling raised her hand and tucked a wisp of hair at the side of her cheek to her ear. She said lazily, "elder brother, you'd better pay attention to your sweetheart. It's impossible for Xia Yanyan to marry general manager Lu. Then the opportunity for you to become a regular comes. Come on."

Ye Ling turns and walks away.

Gu Yejin quickly frowned, and then listened to Xia Yanyan's impatient call, "Ye Jin, you haven't answered my question."

Gu Yejin has been looking at the beautiful shadow of Ye Ling's far away, without putting any eyes on Xia Yanyan's face. He said indifferently, "it's a private matter of Han Ting. You can ask him by yourself. I can't disclose it."

"Yejin, you have talked to me like this, full of perfunctory and impatience. Is it because ye Ling has come back?"

Xia Yanyan can't stand a man. Two men treat her like this. All men should pay attention to her.

At this time, Gu Yejin turned her head and lifted her beautiful eyelids. She took a dim look at Xia Yanyan. "What's the matter with Xia Xiwan? I'm not interested in it. Don't try to hit people you shouldn't have hit."

Xia Yanyan's heart leaps. She has known her for so many years. Gu Yejin is almost responsive to her needs. It seems to outsiders that he likes her.

He seldom speaks harshly to himself, except It's related to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling is his inverse scale, no one can touch it.

At this time, huoxize ran out of the luxury box and said, "Damn, Yejin brother, I just looked at Xia Xiwan's cocktail, one night stand, and the new wine I just got back, which one is not long-sighted and even sent in, will the second brother beat me?"

One night stand, literal translation is one night stand.

Xia Yanyan's face changed. She didn't expect that the wine Xia Xiwan was drinking was actually aphrodisiac. That night, she and Lu Hanting

Gu Yejin didn't say anything and turned around and left.

"Brother Yejin, where are you going

Do you need to ask? Gu Yejin has gone to find Ye Ling.

Xia Xiwan drinks one night stand, does Ye Ling drink?

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