The second generation of Fu's hands were frozen in the air and could not move forward any more. He raised his eyes and saw Gu Yejin coming.

Gu Yejin is wearing a black coat, standing against the light. His beautiful face is plated in the dark light. It is not true to see. But his cold eyes fall on the face of the second generation of rich people. The bottom of his eyes is like the ink splashed and the cold is like the abyss.

Rich second generation only felt scalp numb, quickly took back his hand, "Gu Gu Shao, you misunderstand me I have no idea about ye Meiren. I just Just want her to shake hands... "

Gu Yejin came and walked to Ye Ling's side. He said carelessly, "if you want to shake hands with her, you'll waste the hand."

The rich second generation's face turned white. Compared with the low-key and mysterious Lu Hanting, the real family of hairpins in Haicheng is the family of care. Gu Yejin, as the young master of this generation, is vigorous and vigorous, which makes people fear from their bones.

"Take your time. I'll go first." Ye Ling is not interested in going on, so she leaves.

Gu Yejin looked at Ye Ling's pretty shadow and quickly followed him. Before he left, he said faintly, "do it yourself. If I send someone to do it, I will let you know that abandoning your hand is my greatest kindness to you."

The second generation of the rich screamed after him.


When ye Ling came to the corner, her slender bright wrist was grabbed by a big hand that came from behind her, "Lingling."

Ye Ling stopped, raised her eyes and looked at Gu Yejin. She hooked a red lip, "brother, do you want me to do something?"

"Gu Jin, don't go back to the corner of the night," she said

"Why, brother, I'm an adult. Why can't I come to the bar and Xia Yanyan is here, why don't you care?"

"You're different from her. You look so swaggering that you don't know how to count yourself?" Gu Yejin interrupted her with a cold voice.

Ye Ling hung down the feather like a PU fan, "Oh, I'll be my brother praising me. Thank you. Can you let me go now?"

Gu Yejin took a close look at her beautiful face and looked down to see what she was wearing today and her beautiful legs.

Ye Ling naturally caught his eyes. His eyes were no different from the rich second generation just now. She pulled back her bright wrist forcefully, "don't look at me with a pair of eyes that you want to be on me!"

Gu Yejin seemed to smile, "then you don't want to wear it like this. It's not your fault to look swaggering, but it's very intentional to wear it."

Ye Ling replied, "those who are obscene see prostitution."

"What are you going to do if I didn't come here just now?"

"No, you will come." Finish saying, Ye Ling turns to leave directly.

But Gu Yejin's knuckled fingers buttoned her bright and moist shoulder, pushed her hard to the wall, and blocked her in his arms.

Ye Ling's delicate beautiful back directly hit the wall, very painful, her water beautiful eyes looked at the man, "pain, you make me ache."

This girl was raised by him and spoiled by him. No one knows how delicate she is and can't stand a little pain.

Now the head suddenly burst into her 18th birthday day, in his room, she soft to his arms drill, a pair of water eyes are full of tears, tell him how much pain she has.

Gu Yejin rolling up and down the throat, cold black eyes stained with a layer of scarlet feelings, "don't cry for me pain, pain, bear it."

Ye Ling twisted her eyebrows.

"Lingling, don't rely on me to spoil you and do whatever you want, eh?"

Ye Ling looked at him, "what I rely on is your love for me. If one day I see that you really don't love me, I will not do what I want." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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