Gu Yejin's stride is very big. Ye Ling stumbles behind him. "What are you doing? I'll go by myself. Let me go!"

Gu Yejin pulled her out of the bar, and then opened the front passenger door of Maybach, "go in by yourself, or shall I help you?"

Ye Ling noticed his uncertain temper, "if you start, I'll go in by myself."

She got into the co pilot's seat by herself.

Gu Yejin returns to the driver's seat, and the silver Maybach gallops on the road.

Ye Ling looks at his delicate wrist. He pulled it very hard just now. Now his wrist is red.

At this time, she found that this was not the way to Zui Yuhuan. She quickly turned her head and looked at Gu Yejin, "where do you take me? I want to go back to Zui Yuhuan!"

Gu Yejin didn't look at her, and her voice was flat as if she was telling a story, "Xia Xiwan drank that one night stand. I'm not at ease. You live in my place tonight."

"I think you're more dangerous than that one night stand!"

Gu Yejin's side eyes, tongue tip against the beautiful right cheek looked at Ye Ling, "no matter what I think of you, smart you should pretend to be deaf and dumb, instead of provoking me again and again, unless you also remember that night and want to relive the old dream."

"Go away!" Ye Ling roared at him with red eyes.

Gu Yejin pursed her thin lips and did not speak any more. The atmosphere between the two became depressed.

"Where are you going to take me? I don't want to look back home. Do you hear me? I don't want to look back home. Stop. I want to get out of the car!" Ye Ling reached out and pulled the co pilot's door.

Gu Yejin has locked the door, the speed is so fast, she pull the door so dangerous extreme action, that really do not want to look back home.

"Don't move. It's not retrospectives. I'm living outside now. I'm going back to my villa." Gu Yejin spoke in a low voice.

Ye Ling calmed down. She knew that it was useless for her to say anything, so she simply kept silent.


Xijiangyue villa.

This is the industry of caring for the family. Over the years, the family has always been the leading real estate tycoon. The moon inch of land in Xijiang River is gold. It is a famous rich area. Gu Yejin lived here alone after she moved out of the house.

Maybach stopped on the lawn, Gu Yejin with Ye Ling into the villa, in the porch, Gu Yejin took a pair of pink slippers on the foot of Ye Ling, "change."

Ye Ling dodged back and did not wear, "I never wear other women's wear."

Gu Yejin squats on one knee. Her slender fingers hold her slender ankles and opens the chain of her crystal high-heeled shoes without any hesitation. "Lingling, don't make noise. It's clean. No one passes through it."

Ye Ling stopped her movement. She looked at the man who squatted to change her shoes. She became quiet.

Take off the crystal high-heeled shoes, Gu Yejin has no action, he slowly grasps Ye Ling's small foot.

The moment the man's fingers were covered with thin cocoons, Ye Ling shook off his big hand as if he had been electrocuted. He put himself into the slipper and said, "abnormal!"

Gu Yejin got up and went into the living room. She took off her black coat and threw it on the sofa. She looked back at her and said, "I'll take a bath myself."

Ye Ling went upstairs.

Gu Yejin has been downstairs, processing the mobile phone files, I do not know when, upstairs came to Ye Lingqiao Nuo voice, "brother, lend you a shirt." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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