"Good, wanwan, don't mess with yourself, my mother beat me, it's not you who are distressed?" A man is right.

"Xia Xiwan gave up communication.

At this time, the phone at that end is connected, and Liu Yingluo's voice is transmitted.


Liu Yingluo is now in the coffee shop. Someone asked her to talk about some jewelry design drawings tonight.

After the conversation, the man left first. Liu Yingluo sat by the window and did not leave immediately. She was holding a book, drinking coffee and reading.

This evening, Liu Yingluo wore a long skirt with a beige cardigan over it. She tied up her long black hair and made a low ball. Several wisps of hair fell on her beautiful cheek, adding a bit of beauty and warmth to the painting.

In this way, she quickly attracted the attention of people in the coffee shop. If she did not say her age, no one would think that she had three grandchildren.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came over and said, "Hello, can I add your wechat?"

A man asked her for wechat.

Liu Yingluo smiles faintly and shakes her head. "Sorry, I don't play wechat."

In this way, she has turned down several men who come up to chat up.

Then the door of the cafe was suddenly opened, and two people came in, accompanied by a string of silver bell like laughter.

Looking up, Liu Yingluo turns out to be Lu sijue and Li Yu.

Lu sijue wore a gray shirt and black trousers. She was handsome and deep, and she had the upper class spirit. Li Yu wore a small floral dress. She was young and pretty, with her 20-year-old shadow in her eyebrows.

Now Li Yu's arm is on Lu sijue's healthy arm, and two people come in intimately. Li Yu looks up at him, and doesn't know what to say. The little bird is in love with others, and she laughs all the way.

Liu Yingluo hesitated. She didn't expect to meet these two people here. What a coincidence today.

"Sir, let's sit there." At this time, Li Yu reached out and pointed to the position in front of her.

Lucifer looked up and saw her.

Looking at each other, Liu Yingluo is a little embarrassed and uncomfortable. On the plane that day, she said to herself - wish him happiness.

But now meet again, her heart is still tight up, she does not know whether she should say hello to him, from now on, she is the most familiar stranger.

Obviously, Lu sijue didn't want to say hello to her. His deep narrow eyes glanced at her face, then moved away coldly, as if looking at a stranger. Then he whispered to Li Yu, "we'll sit there."

Lu sijue and Li Yu sat in front of her. The waiter in the coffee shop brought the menu.

Li Yu flipped over the menu, then looked at Lu sijue and whispered, "Sir, where is your wife? Do you want to say hello?"

Because of the front and back tables, Liu Yingluo clearly heard their conversation.

Just listen to Lu Si Jue lifted thin lips, indifferent correction way, "is the ex-wife."

The words "ex-wife..."

quickly hit Liu Yingluo's heart. Does he really think she is... Ex-wife?

Man is really strange, in the capital city when he still care about her, but in the twinkling of an eye, he has a new love, she completely forgotten.

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