At this time, a clear and pleasant voice came from the ear, "sir!"

Lu Si Jue steps a meal, and then looks up, a cold and Qing City of small face suddenly fierce burst into his eyes.

Young Liu Yingluo looked at him, slowly drew up her red lips, and gave him a tender smile, "Sir, you stepped on my money!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lu Si Jue remembered the Sanskrit sentence on the marriage contract just now --- you are making trouble, she is laughing, and driving together to the end of the world.

At this time, "Dong Dong Dong", the ancient pendulum clock on the top of the temple tower has already issued the bell.

Like a person, guarding a city, life is only enough to love a person.

The regret of previous life, the perfection of this life.

Heaven is as old as love.

(end of reincarnation)

(end of Lu liupian)


Lu Hanting, Xia Xiwan and Shen Xiaolian are on the way back to Haicheng. Xia Xiwan feels uneasy all the way, as if something has happened.

Summer evening line lying on the window, outside unknowingly has begun to rain, it is really continuous rain, people are particularly cold.

"Mr. Lu, it's raining." Summer evening thread whispers.

At this time, a warm shoulder, Lu Hanting put his black coat on her body, "yes, it's raining, wanwan, why are your hands so cold?"

Xia Xiwan's body is really cold, and she can't say what happened to her. She leaned her small head on Lu Hanting's crisp shoulder, "nothing."

Lu Hanting asked the driver to heat up the temperature in the car, and then stretched out his healthy arm to hold her in his arms, and ironed her with his body temperature, "then embrace, and it won't be cold for a while."

"Yes Xia Xiwan nods. Only in Lu Hanting's arms can her uneasiness be relieved.

Soon, they returned to Haicheng, where there was no rain, the wind was sunny, and it was particularly clear. They drove to their former hometown.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Lu Hanting doubtfully frowned at his handsome eyebrows. "Wanwan, how do I think this place seems to have been here?"

This sense of familiarity made him very strange, as if he had been back.

"Xia Xiwan -- fool, of course you are familiar with it. This is my home. I brought you back four years ago!

Here, he and she spent the most sweet time, her... The first time, is also here to give him.

Soon, the luxury car stopped and Chongwen said, "master, we're here."

Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan get off the bus. Shen Xiaolian gets off from the car behind. They return to their hometown together.

Shen Xiaolian is very uneasy all the way. She has decided that Xia Xiwan knows everything. This is the place where Xia Xiwan grows up. This trip to Haicheng is just to expose her in front of Lu Hanting.

Shen Xiaolian wants to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but Xia Xiwan has already seen through her careful opportunity and sends people to stare at her firmly. A mosquito can't fly out.

Encounter Xia Xiwan such intelligent matchless opponent, Shen Xiaolian is also quite mad. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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