Xia Xiwan turned out a coin. Then she lifted her chin and handed it to Lu Hanting with a look of incomparable local tyrant and arrogance. "Nah, Mr. Lu, this is the tip for you tonight ~"

holding a coin as a tip?

Lu Hanting picked a heroic sword eyebrow, "go to take a bath."

To take a bath

The drunken Xia Xiwan bit his lips and looked at him with eyes like silk, "just now my mouth was not honest, but now my body is very honest. Do you want to take a bath with me?"

Lu Hanting looked at her, "wash yourself."


It turned out that he didn't want the mandarin duck to take a bath, but let her do it by herself.

Xia Xiwan is not happy, she is angry to chop a foot, "why should I wash myself, I want to wash with you!"

Lu Hanting felt that he could not resist. For the first time, he saw her drunk. Xia Xiwan, who was drunk, was so enthusiastic and grinding that she looked like a goblin.

His big hand moved down, came to her buttocks and patted it gently. His hoarse voice was strong and irrefutable. "Obedient, eh?"

Xia Xiwan, an excited soul, was almost addicted to his strong and mature masculine atmosphere. She stood on tiptoe and went to kiss him, "I want to kiss him."

Lu Hanting sidestepped his head and did not let her red lips print on his handsome face.

He released her, pulled out his long leg and went to the French window. With his mobile phone in one hand, he dialed out a phone and stuck it to his ear. He also raised his slender finger and pulled the button of his shirt.

Now it is night. Standing by the French windows of Youlan garden, you can see the neon night scene of the whole city. The lights of thousands of families have become the background wall of men through the polished glass windows. He is noble and mature, and his appearance is like a magnet firmly attracting people's attention.

Xia Xiwan stood in the same place, very angry.

At this time, Lu Hanting's side eyes, deep narrow eyes looked at her, and then pointed to the bath room with his eyes, meaning to let her quickly go in to wash.

Don't be angry but powerful.

Even if Xia Xiwan was angry again, he did not dare to disobey him. He could only hum and haw, and reluctantly entered the bathroom.

Lu Hanting's phone was connected, and Huo Xize's voice quickly passed over, "Hello, second brother, how do you think of calling me this spring curfew?"

Lu Hanting frowned and said, "I ask you, what antidote does one night stand have?"

"Ah, you're the original antidote

"No more nonsense, believe me or not

"Xing Xing Er Ge, is Xia Xiwan too ugly to uncover her veil? If you can't do it, put her in the cold water and soak for a while more..."

Hosizer's words were not finished, only heard a girl's scream in the bathroom.

Lu Hanting fork waist, heart low curse, she is really too grinding people!

Hang up the mobile phone and throw it away, Lu Hanting strides long legs into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Xia Xiwan is standing by the toilet. She is screaming with her red face.

"What's the matter? Stop yelling." Lu Hanting made a sound.

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