Xia Xiwan thought for a moment, "I don't know what books I'm looking for and what medicine to use. I'm still in the thinking stage, so I don't need your help. I'll take good care of your flowers and plants if I need your help."

Shuangshuang feels that Xia Xiwan is a bit mysterious. She is really Xueba. Her routine is different from others. The library of privy is as huge as a palace. She wants to sleep every time she comes here.

At this time, double pair of sharp eyes, suddenly pointed to Xia Xiwan's neck, "wanwan, what trace is in your neck? Who bit you so hard?"

Xia Xiwan wore a high collar to cover his wounds today. He covered himself tightly, but his eyes were too sharp to see.

Xia Xiwan quickly covered his collar with his hand and denied, "Shuangshuang, don't talk nonsense. I was just last night Mosquito bite

Shuangshuang pulled Xia Xiwan to a nobody's corner and whispered, "wanwan, I heard that you married that Ghost Husband in Youlan garden. Tell me the truth, is that ghost husband is psychopathic, what mosquito bites? This is clearly human bite, teeth bite into your flesh, this is to suck blood."

Xia Xiwan hooked a red lip, put the medical books in his hand on the bookshelf, "what blood sucking ah, it's not a vampire, double you don't scare people!"

"Wanwan, I'm serious with you. Are you listening? People like these are not normal people. They are mentally ill and mentally ill. They can't be cured at all."

"I used to have a brother-in-law who was very kind and considerate and cared for my cousin in every way, but he had a problem and liked domestic violence."

"When the brother-in-law got sick, he tied my cousin to the bed and abused him. The more painful my cousin was, the more happy he was. He also liked to bite people and was bloodthirsty. When he smelled the smell of blood, he became excited and became crazy and terrifying."

"My cousin loves that brother-in-law very much. She wanted to bite her teeth. But my cousin was pregnant and was beaten up by her brother-in-law. Even if she gave birth to a child, would she let her grow up in the shadow of domestic violence?"

"Wanwan, what I mean by saying so much is that you are still young, so excellent, and just at the beginning of your splendid life, you should quickly find a way to divorce that Ghost Husband in Youlan garden and get out. There are too many excellent men outside, and you will meet better ones in the future."

Xia Xiwan's slender feather Jie fell down, and after a few seconds held Shuangshuang's small hands, "Shuangshuang, thank you for telling me so much intimate words. I know what I want, so don't worry about me."

"That's good. If you have any difficulties, please tell me ha. I see you look pale. I'll go to the kitchen and ask them to stew you with soup at noon."

"Shuangshuang, are you familiar with the people in the kitchen?"

Shuangshuang Shan smiles, turns and runs away, "eat goods ~"

both leave. Xia Xiwan sits on the soft carpet against the wall. Her eyes are empty for a moment. She takes out her mobile phone. Mr. Lu should wake up


You Lan Yuan.

Lu Hanting on the bed slowly opened his eyes. At this time, the gorgeous morning light had already been plated through the layers of windows and curtains. He got up so late for the first time.

Eyes stained with drowsiness, he turned over to embrace the girl around him, want to sleep for a while.

Not at all.

But there was nothing around.

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