Her voice is still slightly coquettish, and successfully stops Gu Yejin's action of pouring wine.

Gu Yejin looked at the way she talked to him. She felt that the history of the old goat always underestimated her. She was definitely playing. Make the master in the man, only she doesn't want, there is no man she can't catch.

"Red wine will be hot?" He crooked his thin lips, but there was a smile.

"Spicy, of course. Try it." Ye Ling reached out his little hand and took the wine cup in his palm, and then fed the red wine to his thin lips.

Gu Yejin looks at her and drinks the wine she feeds.

Ye Ling didn't stop. Most of the remaining red wine was fed to him.

"Mr. Gu, the red wine has been finished. I can go now." Ye Ling blinks at Yu Jie and looks at him.

Gu Yejin's mouth is filled with mellow red wine fragrance, not spicy at all, sweet, very sweet.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to taste the red wine in her mouth to see if it was spicy?

Gu Yejin's big hand pinched her small waist like a water snake, and then let her get up, "let's go."

Ye Ling turned and left the luxurious box.


Ye Ling came to the presidential suite of the hotel. She took off her high-heeled shoes and went to the dressing table. She picked up her clothes and looked at the place where she had been pinched. Just now, he had a strong hand. The pinching directly made her delicate skin purple.

Ye Ling has every reason to suspect that he is a man of nature. Violent men.

At this time, there was a jingling, and the doorbell of her room rang.

Ye Ling goes to open the door. Outside is sister Hua.

Sister Hua came in and handed over a string of mobile phone numbers, "Lingling, how do you think of calling for Mr. Shi's mobile phone number? Do you want to call Mr. Shi?"

Ye Ling took the number and nodded, "yes, I want to call Mr. Shi."

Sister Hua opened her mouth at once. "Lingling, I want to remind you that Mr. Gu has been very unhappy in the luxury box just now. If Mr. Gu knows you call Mr. Shi, the consequences will be very serious. It's not something you can coax Mr. Gu with a drink."

Ye Ling did not say a word, she directly took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone number of general manager Shi.

Soon, the phone was connected, and the drunk voice of Mr. Shi was passed over, "Hello, who is it?"

"Mr. Shi, it's me." Ye Ling makes a sound.

"Ye... Ye Meiren?" General manager Shi at that end had finished the dinner and entered his room. Hearing Ye Ling's voice, he quickly jumped up from his chair. Shocked and surprised, he said, "Ye Meiren, how did you call me?"

"Mr. Shi, I want to know something about my mother and Gu Xian." Ye Ling didn't go around the circle and went straight to the theme.

"Oh, it's this thing. I know about your mother and Gu Xian, and I know it very well. Gu Xian and I were good brothers at that time. The family marriage made him marry Wen Lan, but he didn't like Wen Lan very much. What he cared about and coveted was his own goddess, that is, your mother who has become the young grandmother of gaomen Ye family."

"Every time I go out for a drink with Gu Xian, Gu Xian says that he is tired of Wen Lan. Wen Lan is a lady of a big family and has a little affection in bed. It's not interesting. Every time he roomed with Wenlan, he would imagine Wenlan as your mommy. "

"Gu Xian really likes your mommy so much. The little lovers he's looking for outside, the ones who take care of them. Sandu is very similar to your mother, but it is not enough. He must get your mother, so once he bought medicine... "Mr. Shi probably knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so his voice stopped suddenly.

Ye Ling sneers at Wen Lan. When she was young, she was also a full beauty. However, Gu Xian abandoned her as a pair of shoes. She even shared the secrets between her husband and wife's bed with her friends. It can be seen that Wen Lan's miserable life was made by Gu Xian, a mean and dirty man.

Ye Ling knows that general manager Shi has already said the point, that is, the big play of catching traitors that happened on the day her father and mother died in a car accident.

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