Looking back, she bumped into Xia Xiwan's transparent Jian Tong.

Xia Xiwan gently held her hand and said to her, "Shuangshuang, I believe you."

Double a stagnant, heart flowing out of a warm current, "Wan Wan, really not I do, Zhao Liying is lying, he said is not true."

"I know." With that, Xia Xiwan led Shuangshuang's hands to Zhao Liying.

The gourd eating crowd saw Xia Xiwan coming, and they all consciously stepped back a little. They were very curious about what Xia Xiwan was going to do.

Xia Yanyan also looks at Xia Xiwan. She wants to see what she can do.

Then two people came into the corridor, the sleeping man and his men.

"Two young..."

Lu Zixian raised his hand, meaning to shut up the man.

The men shut up quickly.

Xia Xiwan looked at Zhao Liying, a pair of clear eyes exuded a cold and pressing light, "group leader Zhao, I have seen shameless, but I have never seen you so shameless. Now please apologize to both immediately!"

"I Apologize to both of you? " Zhao Liying laughed, "Xia Xiwan, who are you when you are? Why should I listen to you? You'd better deal with your own affairs first."

Xia Xiwan eyes suddenly a cold, and then she quickly raised the foot, a kick on Zhao Liying's knee.

Zhao Liying didn't expect that Xia Xiwan would do it to himself in full view of the public, and his action was so quick and accurate that he felt a stab pain in his knee. With a plop, he directly knelt down on one knee.


The crowd sucked, and they were stunned.

Zhao Liying immediately broke out a cold sweat. He looked at Xia Xiwan angrily, "Xia Xiwan, you unexpectedly..."

Words have not finished, Xia Xiwan and a kick on Zhao Liying another knee.

With a plop, Zhao Liying knelt down in front of Shuangshuang.

Don't mention the melon eating masses, even Shuangshuang were shocked.

The pharmacy, which had been talking about it, suddenly became quiet. It was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop on the ground.

Xia Xiwan looked at Zhao Liying coldly, and said to Shuangshuang, "Shuangshuang, we were bitten by the dog. Do you want to reason with the dog?"

Shuangshuang quickly said, "of course not."

"We were bitten by the dog, and we were beaten back with a stick, of course!" Xia Xiwan gave Shuangshuang a sharp look in his eyes, "Shuangshuang, raise your head, straighten your chest!"

Shuangshuang didn't know what Xia Xiwan was going to do. She only knew that the atmosphere of Xia Xiwan was so strong that she had to be obedient. Shuangshuang immediately raised her head and straightened her chest, and almost came to a military posture.

Xia Xiwan closed his lips and said, "double, slap your face, Zhao Liying, give it to you, and give him a hard slap in the face."

Zhao Liying has a cold sweat on his face. The whole person is extremely angry. He has been an excellent student since he was a child. He has not been humiliated like this. What's more, this person is still Xia Xiwan he despises.

Zhao Liying immediately wanted to get up, "Xia Xiwan, I don't beat women. Don't force me to fight women Hiss

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