Shi would never say anything about Yegu's family before.

"Gu Yejin, I'm afraid you'll come here for nothing, because I won't tell you!" Shi Zongdao.

Gu Yejin's handsome facial features have no emotional waves, he picked a heroic sword eyebrow, "Oh, so, since you don't want to say now, then I'll go first."

Gu Yejin got up and left.

Shi Zong looks at Gu Yejin suspiciously and uneasily. Does he really come here just to ask about Ye Ling? So what's he doing when he's done his job?

At this time, Gu Yejin has come to the door, his steps suddenly a meal, "Shi Zong, when you want to say, call me."

Gu Yejin hook lip smile, and then with hands swagger away.

He's gone.

Mr. Shi touched his forehead. There was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. His VIP ward was in a mess. All the things on the ground were supplements.

Shi always has a bad feeling. He always thinks Gu Yejin is going to fight.


in the afternoon, this bad premonition was verified, and his men rushed in, "boss, it's bad, something's wrong!"

Gu's Group officially held a press conference in the afternoon. Gu Yejin, President of Gu's group, appeared for the first time after the storm. He was wearing a hand-made black suit and sat on the main seat of the audience, facing the camera directly. He looked solemn and serious and said to the camera, "I really hit someone. I hit president Shi. It's wrong for me to hit someone. I apologize."

Mr. Shi sits on the bed and looks at Gu Yejin in the camera. He is so angry that he wants to smash the camera. In the morning, the arrogant and rampant man here makes a look of learning from the past in the camera. What a fake!

Mr. Shi knows that Gu Yejin is not a good man. Gu Yejin, who can make Gu the richest man in a few years, not only has the talent of doing business, but also has the characteristics of dishonesty and hypocrisy.

"Boss, gu... President Gu said such a sentence at the press conference, but his sentence is not meant to be playful, he directly pushed you to the top of the storm."

"Because President Gu didn't say the reason for beating people, so everyone was more curious. The majority of netizens moved their fingers and started to pick you up one after another, directly taking off your underpants."

"All the things you've done over the years have burst out. You've cheated in your marriage, and you've killed someone's husband by engaging in the belly of the eldest female secretary. All the hidden rules about the third tier female stars have been stripped out. Just now, a young model of an auto show came forward and accused you of being strong five years ago. You've raped her. Now you've reached the top of microblog hot search, and everyone is filled with indignation. Official media have come out to investigate you. This snowball of public opinion has suddenly become a storm, and you're going to die on the beach. "

Shi Zong quickly opened the microblog. He is a famous film critic with a great reputation. Now, Gu Yejin directly sent him out on a rocket and reached the peak of traffic.

Mr. Shi browsed the comments on the Internet. Now he is a street mouse. Everyone is shouting.

Mr. Shi's hands and feet are cold. He knows that the storm of public opinion must be controlled by someone, and the big hand behind it is Gu Yejin.

But he can't argue, because these are the facts. He can't remember the crying young model. There are too many women he has slept with. Even if the young model is an actor Gu Yejin asked for, he can't help it.

"Boss, the company called." He handed the mobile phone to Mr. Shi.

Mr. Shi whispered, "no good." he quickly got through the phone, "hello."

"No, boss, something's wrong with the company!"

"All of a sudden, my scandals burst out, which will definitely have an impact on the company. Don't panic, I..."

"boss, it's not this matter, it's the person from above who wants to check all our accounts. It's said that someone sent an anonymous letter saying that we made false accounts and evaded taxes. Just now, the financial director has been taken away."


Shi always can't breathe. He feels that he has been pushed into the abyss. Over the years, he has been very careful in his accounts and shouldn't be found out....

he has made a lot of mistakes , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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