Zhou Ping looked at Zhao Liying with great disappointment. "Zhao Liying, your personal conditions are very excellent. You were promoted to be the group leader after only two years in the Research Institute. But this time you made a big mistake. I can't appease you. I want the whole hospital to give you a notice of punishment, cancel your position as the team leader and stay in the hospital for observation!"

Zhao Liying directly collapsed on the ground, as if dead gray, he is not the group leader, his efforts and pride are gone.

He couldn't figure out how to put himself into the summer sunset.

How miserable he is!

"Xia Xiwan, Zhao Liying's affairs have been dealt with. Now we'll deal with your affairs and come to the office with me!" Zhou Ping turns to leave.

Xia Xiwan follows Zhou Ping's steps. At this time, she stops by Xia Yanyan's side.

"Wanwan," said Xia Yanyan. Although Zhao Liying's defeat made her very angry, her real purpose was to drive Xia Xiwan out of the Research Institute. "You should take the initiative to admit your mistake to Director Zhou. After all, if you cheat in marriage, you should not make it too ugly. You should take the initiative to leave the Research Institute."

Xia Xiwan hook lip, she bully near Xia Yanyan, low voice and smile, "let's make a bet, I will never leave the Research Institute, do you believe it?"

Xia Yan Yan Mou color a cold, she certainly is not believe!

Xia Xiwan's infidelity is an indisputable fact. She would not believe that the Privy Council left her under the pressure of public opinion!


Zhou Ping is walking in front of her, and Xia Xiwan is following her. At this time, both of them come after her, "Wan Wan."

Xia Xiwan stopped. "Director Zhou, I want to say something to Shuangshuang."

Zhou Ping's face is very bad, but nodded, "go."

Zhou Ping didn't leave. She was here to see what Xia Xiwan wanted to say to Shuangshuang.

Shuangshuang ran over and was very sorry, "wanwan, this is because of me. I got into Zhao Liying's car. I..."

"Shuangshuang, I'm really with Lu Hanting." Xia Xiwan interrupted her.

Shuangshuang's eyes widened at once.

Xia Xiwan laughed and took Shuangshuang's hands. "So Shuangshuang, it's not your fault. This matter is directed at me. The things about me and Lu Hanting will explode sooner or later."

Said the summer evening line will be a thing to the Shuangshuang's hand, "Shuangshuang, this is for you."

Shuangshuang opens a look, is a medicated diet formula, "wanwan, what is this?"

"This is for you to lose weight."

Mention this, shuangshuangshuang's face is inferior and gloomy.

Xia Xiwan tightly held her hand, "Shuangshuang, although you are a little fat girl, you are naive, simple and optimistic in my eyes. I like you very much. Every girl has her own beauty. We don't need to change ourselves for men or others, and live into the model that others want, so this is why I wrote the formula of medicated diet very early but didn't give it to you."

"The reason why I give it to you now is to let you choose for yourself. Maybe you want a more self disciplined, healthy and beautiful freshman."

"There is no shortcut to lose weight. This medicated diet formula needs strong exercise and light oxygen breathing. Keep your mouth shut and open your legs. Only in this way can you achieve the double beauty of body and charm while being thin."

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