Ye Ling knew that a wise and alert man like Gu Yejin must have been suspicious for a long time.

"Some time ago, Ye Ling met an old friend of the Ye family, who said a lot of strange things. She even told Ye Ling that the Ye family were all innocent. She also said that it was your father's wishful thinking, coveting and intending to get hold of Ye Ling's Mommy. The big play of catching adultery was nothing more than your father's conspiracy. It was your father who bewildered Ye Ling's Mommy, but ye Ling's parents Mi's car accident is also man-made, and the messenger behind the scenes is also looking after the family. Even Ye Ling's brother, Ye Ming, the little overlord who surprised the whole city in 1949, was killed by looking after the family. Everything is because of looking after the family... Ye Ling believed these absurd remarks. She once told me on the phone that she would never die with looking after the family. "

"The next thing you know, ah Jin, Ye Ling began to take the initiative to make advances and approach you. Ah Jin, wake up, Ye Ling doesn't love you at all. This time, she took the initiative to approach you just to take advantage of you and use you to defeat the whole family. I, your father, your mother and even you are her goals!"

Ye Ling is about to laugh. Mr. Gu's words are full of emotion and voice. He tells us his pitiful and grievances. It's as if these are false accusations. Mr. Gu's family has always been innocent, and their hands have never been stained with the blood of the Ye family.

Fraud, greed, hypocrisy, insidious, is the quality of the family.

Ye Ling raised her eyes and calmly met Gu Yejin's eyes.

Gu Yejin's expression on her face is not true, or he has no expression at all. He glanced at Ye Ling faintly, "grandfather, I know. It's very late. I'll send you back to have a rest."

"Ah Jin, grandfather's words have come to this point. Think about it for yourself." Gu turned and left.


on the lawn, the housekeeper opened the rear door respectfully. He worried, "Sir, I think the young master is really fascinated by Miss ye now. Can what you just said really work?"

Mr. Gu's muddy and shrewd eyes overflowed with a kind of profound smile. Instead of answering, he asked, "you say, how much did ah Jin believe what I said just now?"

The housekeeper froze. "What do you mean, old man?"


in the study, Mr. Gu leaves. Ye Ling quickly climbs out with both hands and feet. She arranges her clothes.

At this time, a man's low voice came from his ear, "Lingling, what do you want to say to me?"

Ye Ling side eyes, see Gu Yejin slowly rotating office chair, a pair of cold black eyes fell on her small face.

Ye Ling raised her hand and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ears. "Your grandfather is right. This time I came to you for revenge."

"Revenge?" Gu Yejin frivolous slow twist revealed some smile, "with you?"

"No, it's up to you."

Ye Ling didn't want to deceive him. Now it's clear that he can enjoy her beauty and body with her. No one owes anyone.

As for who can win in the end, it all depends on their abilities.

"Oh." Gu Yejin rolled out a low smile from her throat, "to what extent do you want revenge?"

Ye Ling shook her head. "I don't know... It depends on how much you like me."

Gu Yejin did not speak, the whole study fell into silence, some depression, people can not breathe.

After a long time, Gu Yejin said, "go to dinner first."


after dinner, Ye Ling went back to her room. She took a hot bath and went to the bathroom. Bed sleep, Gu Yejin has not come back, he works in the study.

Ye Ling began to have nightmares again. Soon she twisted her eyebrows. She felt a big stone on her body, which made her feel suffocated.

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