Ah Jin, Ye Ling is infertile!

Hearing this, Gu Yejin's pretty eyebrows moved, "what do you say?"

"Ah Jin, you didn't hear me wrong. I've investigated. Dr. Lucy said that Ye Ling's womb is thin and has no fertility. She can't have a baby at all!" Wen Lan's eyes shine brilliantly and says with emotion.

Gu Yejin turned her head, deep eyes fell on Ye Ling's light face, "is this true?"

Ye Ling ate a small piece of steak, steak a little cold, she gently nodded, "it's true."

"Nonsense!" As soon as Mr. Gu patted the table, he appeared, "ah Jin, you are our family's biography. There are three ways to be unfilial. The responsibility of inheriting the family will fall on you. A woman can't conceive. It's a fatal deformity. Ah Jin, break up with Ye Ling quickly. Don't be stubborn any more."

Gu Yejin face expression is very light, he took a towel to wipe the corners of his lips, indifferent lift lift thin lips, "finished?"

But they don't believe that Ye Ling will be pregnant after a long time.

But now Gu Yejin's lighthearted attitude surprised them. Did he really listen to what they were saying just now?

Gu Yejin looked at Gu Laozi and Wen Lan, thin lip tick out a if there is no arc, "grandfather, mother, Ling Ling can be pregnant is not a problem, because, I never thought of having children, I will not have children in my life."


Gu Laozi and Wen Lan were stunned, "ah Jin, are you... Crazy, how can you have such a terrible idea?"

Gu Yejin chuckled and said, "I don't think our family's genes are good enough to be passed on by others. We don't want to harm the next generation any more."

"You! You unfilial son Old Gu scolded angrily.

At this time, Gu Yejin took the knife and fork from Ye Ling's hand, and then took her little hand, "the steak is cold, don't eat it, we go back."

Gu Yejin leads her to stride away.


GU Yejin takes Ye Ling back to the crew's room. In the room, he raises his hand and pulls the tie between his neck, "Ling Ling, I'll take a bath first, and I'll go to the company later. You can have a rest."

When he finished, he went into the bathroom.

Ye Ling is sitting by the bed when her mobile phone rings.

It's Wenlan.

Ye Ling button connected, Wenlan malicious voice quickly passed over, "Ye Ling, I was going to use your infertility things to give you a heavy blow, but did not expect ah Jin did not care, oh, do you think you won?"

Ye Ling didn't speak.

"You're wrong, Ye Ling. You didn't win at all. Ah Jin doesn't care if you can get pregnant. Do you know what I mean? A man doesn't care if you can have a baby for him. There's only one possibility. He never wants to have a baby with you." Wen Lan twisted smile.

Ye Ling's face was light. In fact, she thought about it just now.

"Ye Ling, are you particularly proud of ah Jin now? You have never thought about a question. What are you to ah Jin?"

"Ah Jin is a normal man. You are so beautiful and the daughter of the enemy Ye family. It's normal for him to want you, but ah Jin won't marry you."

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