Xia Xiwan answers the phone.

Gu Yejin grabbed her cell phone and swallowed the tone. "Mrs. Lu, I have something about Ye Ling that I want to ask you."

"Ling Ling? Please, Mr. Gu

"Ye Ling can't be pregnant, do you know?"

"I know."

Sure enough, Xia Xiwan knows everything.

"Why can't Ye Ling be pregnant, natural or acquired?" Gu Yejin asked.

That end of summer sunset Wan silent a few seconds, "Gu total, this matter why don't you ask Ling Ling?"

"No? It doesn't matter. I'll ask another way. Ye Ling can't get pregnant, but she's afraid of getting pregnant. At first, I didn't notice anything unusual, but now I think something's wrong. Every time I meet her, she repeatedly emphasizes that contraceptive measures or contraceptives are not a topic that people who can't get pregnant naturally will care about, unless... This inability to get pregnant is acquired Yes, that is, man-made. "

Xia Xiwan is not surprised that a wise and alert man like Gu Yejin will doubt sooner or later, although this day is a little earlier than he imagined.

"From a medical point of view, it is very likely that Ling Ling has been injured in some way before and has not recovered so far, so it has formed a kind of post-traumatic stress reaction." Xia Xiwan said.

Gu Yejin didn't have any expression, and her voice was indifferent. She didn't have the slightest emotion. "Mrs. Lu certainly won't tell me about the trauma, will she?"

"Mr. Gu, it's not that I don't say it, but that I don't have the right. If Lingling wants to tell you, she will naturally say it." With that, Xia Xiwan hung up.

Listening to the busy sound of "Dudu", Gu Yejin directly threw her mobile phone on the desk, his beautiful eyebrows covered with a layer of haze.

The private secretary carefully said, "President..."

GU Yejin didn't look up and said, "OK, you can disappear."

"Is the president going to sleep in the office tonight?"

The private secretary immediately used a kind of -- look, the president, you still don't admit that Miss Ye drove you out of the room. You look at Gu Yejin miserably.

Gu Yejin angrily picked up a document and smashed it at the private secretary. "If you don't want to go away, stay and work overtime."

The private secretary ran away.

The president's office is completely quiet. Gu Yejin is sitting on the office chair. Somehow, he is in a mess and has a feeling of extreme uneasiness.

He didn't know where the uneasiness came from. He had nothing to fear with his power and position now.

Ye Ling is abnormal, at least in his eyes. Every time she is pregnant, she is like a little hedgehog pricking her whole body. On the one hand, she wants to stab him, on the other hand, she carefully protects herself, as if... Secretly licking some unknown wound.

Xia Xiwan is also hiding from him.

Gu Yejin gathers Jun's eyes and makes waves in his heart. In fact, he can have many kinds of conjectures, such as...


Gu Yejin's mind shows that she left him when she was 18 years old, and the blood mixed with turbidity flowed down her legs...

GU Yejin quickly closed her eyes and interrupted her conjecture. He didn't dare to think about it. It was like an abyss mouth, which made him afraid, flustered and uneasy. He felt that he would be swallowed.


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