Outside the door of the villa are several tough black bodyguards, "Miss ye, Hello, the old man and his wife. Please go back to the mansion immediately. Please come with us."

"Ling Ling, don't go." Sister Hua didn't expect that old Gu and his wife Wen Lan would come to her so soon. She was afraid that they would hurt Ye Ling, so she quickly stopped.

Ye Ling appeased to see to spend elder sister, "spend elder sister, don't worry, I go back."

Ye Ling followed the bodyguards in black.

Flower elder sister fidgety, she is afraid of accident, this time she can think of the person is... Gu Yejin!

By the way, Gu Yejin!

Sister Hua immediately picked up her mobile phone and wanted to contact Gu Yejin, but soon she put it down again. Do you still need her to contact Gu Yejin at this time?

He should have heard the news long ago, right?

I didn't expect that... Ye Ling was pregnant and had a miscarriage when he was 18 years old. He used to be a father. In this way, he heard about it from others. Sister Hua thought Ye Ling was cruel this time.


Gu, in VIP meeting room.

The sales director is making this quarter's sales report, and the company executives with blue cards around their necks are listening attentively. Of course, from time to time, they also peek at Gu Yejin, who is sitting in the main seat. They all find that their president is not in the state today, because he often looks at his mobile phone when he is in a meeting, as if there is something attractive in the mobile phone that gives him his soul Check it out.

Today, Gu Yejin is wearing a well-designed black suit. He is sitting on the main seat, with a straight back and a lazy back in the chair. Her beautiful eyelids are drooping, fiddling with her mobile phone.

He turns wechat on, off and on again...

it's empty in wechat, but ye Ling doesn't contact him.

Gu Yejin will thin lips hook up a faint and mocking arc, she is really heartless.

Last night he slammed the door and left, so she didn't contact him and let him go.

She knows how good he is in the market outside, and some fox spirits rush into his arms. She's good, and she doesn't care at all.

Gu Yejin hated her, and even more hated herself, because he was used to her.

He has no interest in what is said in the meeting now, and his mind is full of going back to find her. Last night, for fear of hurting her in the bathroom, he dallied for a while, and finally got into her body despite her opposition. When he was still in the mood, he even knew that she slapped him with her backhand.

Thanks to her, she also boasts that she is the most carefree and intimate. Woman, he looks at her. Women's professional ability is really poor.

Gu Yejin also thought of her nervousness in pregnancy, and could not help but be upset. He turned off his mobile phone, and his eyebrows had become a "Sichuan" word.

At this time, "boom", the door of the conference hall was suddenly pushed open, and the private secretary appeared in a hurry.

Just now, the sales director who was still making the report was interrupted, and everyone's eyes fell on the personal secretary.

The hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the floor.

The atmosphere was eerie.

Gu Yejin raised her head and glared at him with a bitter and displeased look. This private secretary has been following him for several years. This is the first time that she is so reckless and does not understand the rules.

The private secretary rushed over and whispered, "president, no, there's something wrong with Miss Ye."

Gu Yejin pursed a thin lip, "what can happen to her?"

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